The End of Restless Sleep

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Re: The End of Restless Sleep

Post by josef »

Chapter 7: Perfect harmony.(#3)

My face became red as if I was caught red handed. Did I mess up things on the very first day? I queried myself repeatedly. Was it necessary to tell all those to her mother? I thought.

Titli entered the room with two cups. Aunt smiled at me and then looked at her daughter. She teased her, “You don’t prepare tea for us and today you prepared three cups?”

“Mom, don’t say that. I do cook food sometimes.” She looked at me and said, “Don’t pay heed to my mom. I do know how to cook and all.”

I teased her, “And after having your food, you do serve antacid as dessert.”

She cried out, “I will slap you now.”

Auntie smiled at her and asked, “How is your ankle?”

She smiled and said, “Much less pain, I can walk now.”

Auntie looked at both of us and answered, “Yes I can see that your pain is gone.” Her cheeks turned pink, she was unable to look in her mother’s eyes.

After finishing the tea, I asked their permission to leave. I asked Titli to take care of her ankle. She gestured that she would call me at night. I shook my head and warned her not to put herself in unwanted tension.

She called at night and was beaming with sparkles in her voice, “What did you told to mom? She was beaming with praises about you.”

“Really” I exclaimed “I told her that you are a stupid, silly and insane girl.”

She cursed me, “And you are a boring, immature rascal.”

She kept on babbling as how she felt in past months when we were just exchanging fiery glances at each other. I listened her every words, occasionally saying some single syllables as she was nonstop babbling. I understood that neither of us would be able to live apart from each other.

I took a deep breath, filled my lungs with air and said to myself, let’s see what happens Budhaditya. Hurl yourself forward with open arms embrace the unknown future that is knocking at your doorstep. You have your grandma’s blessings with you.

Next day evening I found her at the centre. I was astonished to see her there. I asked her whether her ankle was fine or not. She smiled and replied that she will live with pain. I gently slapped on the back of her head and teased her. For the whole time, she sat close to me. Arms brushing over the other; fingers touching at times; sparks flying all over our arms. Her face was glowing like a full moon, I was happy to her smiling face.

After the class, I observed that she was a total different person altogether. She was chirping with her friends and laughing. She was in a jubilant mood. I waited for her at a distance, watching her frolic nature.

Anirban came near me and whispered in my ears, “What happened, dude? Everything settled?”

I laughed at him and shook my head, “Nothing is settled dude, and the picture is still hazy.”

“No man.” He pointed at Titli, “She is quiet different today. You are one hell lucky dude.” I laughed at him.

I looked at my watch; time was running fast so I called Titli and informed her that it was getting late. She came near me and said that she was not bothered since I was with her. For the whole of the return journey, she sat on the pillion glued on my back. I felt her soft warm frame creating tingling sensation all over my body. She kept quiet for the whole journey, probably flying in a newfound bliss and enjoying the flight.

From the next day, our cohesion grew as usual. Every evening after classes, it was my pleasure to drop her at her place. Time was passing very fast and I was eagerly waiting for the final call. Even without saying those words, we knew from the depth of our heart about our mutual sentiments. I knew that I had to take the step and she was not the issue. I knew that there would be commotion in her house regarding the matter and I prepared myself to encounter any kind of forthcoming wrangle.

One night, Debadideb called me to inform that he has looked for a job in Durgapur. I told him that I was not in the mood to leave Kolkata. He was confused and asked me whether I was seeing someone or not. I laughed at him. We were never very close with each other still he was my only cousin brother I could call for something. I told him nothing about Titli, made some excuse to avoid his queries.

It was last week of March. There was no class on that day so there was no meeting with Titli also. That night I received a much-unexpected call from a much unexpected person of whom I was unable to think in thousands of years. It was a female voice on the other end and that was not of Titli.

“Hello, Budhaditya how are you?” she asked me. I was unable to recognise her voice on the phone so I asked her as who she was.

I heard her laugh, “You don’t recognise my voice? Happy birthday, Budhaditya.”

I myself forgot my birthday usually grandma used to be at my place on every birthday, on that day I was alone so I was unable to make that my birthday was on the next day. I was perplexed that who the hell on the earth could remember my birth day. Only three persons in my life would celebrate my birthday. Two of them left me for heavenly abode and the voice was not of my damsel. I asked her, “Sorry, I am unable to recognise you, Madam.”

“I am the person whom you probably hate most in the world.” I heard her laughing, on the other end.

I was dumbfounded as if a bolt fell upon me; I was able to assume that the voice was of Nilanjana Madam. For few moments, I was unable to come to terms that she called me to wish on my birthday.

I chewed my words, “Madam, I thank you for wishing.” I was unable to say anything.
“Wont you say anything to me? I know you might be very angry upon me. Am I right?” She kept on saying, “I want to meet you and tell you everything before you judge me.” I was speechless by her guts that she called me even after knowing everything. As if, someone poured burning amber on my frame. “So you are not going to forgive us, right? Good night.”

After she kept the phone, I cursed her for digging out the dark past and pains out of the grave. I was unable to sleep, I kept on tossing in bed; I was helpless and filled with severe angst. The lady took away my father from me and she called me to express her compliments.

Continued .....
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Re: The End of Restless Sleep

Post by josef »

Chapter 7: Perfect harmony.(#4)

It was about midnight and I was tossing in my bed when I received a call from Titli.

“Hello” Titli sounded very excited, “What are you doing?”

“I was about to goto bed.” I answered her.

“You can forget my birthday but I can’t. Happy birthday.” She was in a vibrant mood.

All my grieves were thwarted by her sweet voice. My eyes filled with tears on hearing her wish. I could not speak for few seconds and then I expressed my thanks to her.

She probably fathomed my ache, “Why are you sounding so gloom? Where are aunt and uncle?”

I concealed the truth and answered that they were doing fine, I was missing my grandmother.

“Tomorrow no classes, I want to give you a treat.” She sounded very excited.

I asked her, “You want to give me treat, but it is the other way round, dear.”

She mocked at me, “Come on, Adi, does that matter who gives treat to whom? Pick me up from my college by five in the evening and then I will tell where to go.”

I laughed, “I will obey every word of yours, don’t worry.”

“Sleep tight and don’t be restless.” she joked and kept the phone. I felt rejuvenated with a vibrant energy.

Next day, I took off early from my office and reached her college. On the way, I entered a jewellery shop and bought a pair of rose shaped gold earring for her. I knew her choice of jewelleries that she likes to wear; most of them were fancy but sophisticated. Seldom had she worn any gold jewellery, but I thought that that would attract her.

As I reached, I saw her waiting for me along with Parineeta and her friends. She was looking stunning in a knee length, navy blue skirt and a white frilled shirt. Her lips were pink and cheeks were rosy. Her well-toned calves covered in black nylon stockings, with high heels on. Silky hair came down in waves, bouncing below her shoulder. Her sophisticated and elegant nature was dripping from every pores of her fair skin. I was unable to make whether it was my birthday or hers. I noticed that Parineeta whispered something in her ears and she smiled at me. She waved to her friends and then slowly walked towards me. She held a brown leather file-cover across her chest that added an extra grace in her looks.

“Hi handsome, come on lets go.” She sat on the pillion, “Drive to the Outram Ghat. There is an ice-cream parlour.”

I teased her, “Are you going to kill someone in this bewitching attire?”

“Oh!” she mocked me, “Yes definitely, today is very special. My boyfriend is going to take me out today. Want to meet him?” she tickled my stomach, “Now drive quickly before my boyfriend goes away.”

I laughed at her, “Silly girl, you are making me wild.”

The time we reached the ice-cream parlour, the sun was already over the west horizon. The water of River Ganges became red with the fading light of the day. The lights of the second hoogly bridge were shining dimly. The cold breeze was blowing from the river igniting the sparks of passion inside me.

We sat on a table on the second floor facing the wide glass window opening to the river. She sat on my left, embracing my arm tightly by both hands. She rested her head on my left shoulder and looked to the river through the big glass window. I looked at her face; her eyes were sleepy, dreaming about some unknown horizon. I felt a deep urge to held her in my arms and kiss her beautiful lips.

I rubbed my nose on her head, took a deep breath of her sweet feminine fragrance and whispered in her ears, “Dreaming about someone, Honey.” I lowered my voice and said, “I want to say something to you.”

She held my left arm tightly, rubbed her cheeks on the round of my shoulder and whispered, “Don’t say a word, Adi, please. I want to enjoy the excitement that has inundated me to the core. I feel goose bumps all over my skin by the mere thought of that precious moment.”

“Ok, as you wish.” I was also floating in bliss along with the beautiful nymph.

She said to me after quiet sometime, “Say something, why are we so quiet.”

I laughed at her, “Once you ask me to keep quiet and then you ask me to talk. Am I a tape recorder that you can switch-off and switch-on as you wish?”

She gave a veiled angry look at me and said, “Yes you are my tape recorder and now talk.” She looked around and we noticed that few others were also looking at us. I knew that she was making everyone to skip a heartbeat by her stunning suave attire.

“Have you been on the boat ever?” I asked her pointing to the boats floating on the river.

She laughed loudly and then whispered in my ears, “You want to goto the boat? Do you know what all happens in those boat after sundown?”

I was unaware as what could happen in those boats. For me, people could go for a trip on the Ganges in those simple boats. I shook my head.

She explained to me in a low voice, “After sundown, prostitutes flock the banks. Cheap people make out in those boats and couples who want to enjoy cheaply make out in those boats.”

I was taken aback by her words. She nodded at me, “Don’t look at me like that. I will show you while returning.”

I took out the small box that contained the earring and placed it on her hand. She opened the box and looked deeply in my eyes. Her eyes dazzled, “What is this?”

I asked her, “Do you like it? I want to make up for the lost birthday that I was unable to attend.”

Her face glowed, her eyes glistened and she bit her lower lips, “You are a real stupid person, Adi. You thought that you need to impress me with some expensive gift, did you?”

“Nah!” I exclaimed at her, “I never thought in such manner, Titli. I just got that on the footpath dear.”

She smiled and took out those earrings, “I see that, you know my choice very well.” She then wore those on her earlobes.

I nodded at her, “I had to, milady. Else I would be in trouble in future.” We both laughed heartily.

Time flew past like tempest. Before we could soak ourselves in mutual bliss, it was dark outside. I said to her that we should leave for home. She pleaded me that she wants to sit for some more time. I persuaded her that I would take her out some day but she was reluctant. Virtually I had to pull her up from that place because I knew that if she returns late then there would be a huge storm in her house.

She smiled at me and took out two packets from her bag. I asked her as what it was. She said pointing to a small packet, “In this I have made a cake for you, I am not sure how it would be. So I was afraid to give you before.”

I joked at her, “That means if I die then I die alone.”

She suddenly put her fingers on my lips, “Don’t say that.” Her fingers felt like cream being smeared on my lips. Gently I took her hand and kissed her on the fingers, she shuddered as my wet tongue traced her middle finger. She moaned, “What are you doing? Everyone is looking at us. Leave my fingers, scoundrel.” she freed her hand and scolded me, “Have I gave you the consent yet?” I felt bit ashamed on my sudden behaviour.

She pointed to the other packet and said, “There is a book, SathKahan by Samaresh Majumder. I know that you love to read novels. Therefore, I bought that for you. I am not rich as you, I do not earn. Although I get huge pocket money but I did not want to buy present for you from those.” Her voice fluttered a bit “I received scholarship from my dad’s office after higher-secondary exams. I saved that for three years to buy present for the person who will make me feel like real butterfly.”

I was overwhelmed by her gesture. I forgot that we were in an ice-cream parlour. I pulled her by her hand, made her to stand between my legs. I threw my arms around her narrow waist and looked in her eyes. She was smiling and same time her eyelids were moist. She kept her arms on my shoulder and looked deeply into my eyes, “Don’t look at me like that, I will melt in your arms.”

That day was probably one of the best evenings that I spend in a long time. That day probably was the best birthday I ever rejoiced in a long time.

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Re: The End of Restless Sleep

Post by josef »

Chapter 8: Flight of butterfly. (#1)

We kept on pushing the precious moment of voicing the words of ardour. We both were relishing the excitement of the game of attraction. The time approached for the semester to end. The summer poured its burning amber from the sky, yet those harsh sunrays was unable to subdue our meetings.

On the last day of the semester when I dropped Titli at her place, I told her that I would take her out. She was very excited, I did not confide as where I would take her.

“When we will be going?” she asked me.

I was also not sure as where I would take her so I told, “I am not sure as of now.”

She threw her arms in the air and jumped, “I would love to ride with you for eternity. I would love to feel the breeze caressing my hair and face.”

I said to her, “You need to have some plan for that. Tell your parents that you will be going somewhere after college and you might come late.”

“So are we planning for some long drive?” excitement was dripping from all over her frame.

“I don’t know, let us ride and see where the road ends. I promised you that I would spend an entire day with you. The day has come, Titli.” I said to her.

“Uff... I am having goose bumps.” She took my hand and placed on her cheek, “Are you trying to elope with me?” she gave me a teasing look, “I am not going to run away with such a boring person.”

“Naughty siren.” I gently patted on her cheek, “On Friday I will take an off from office and pick you sharp at nine o’clock from the college. And don’t wear such sophisticated dress in this scorching humid summer.”

She nodded, “Ok, ok. I will obey every word of yours.”

On the designated date, I arrived at Titli’s college at college street. She was waiting there for me alone; I tiptoed behind her and waited. She was anxiously waiting for me, looking at her watch repeatedly and looking at the road. Her slender frame was wrapped well in a light pink sari, her smooth arms glowing in the summer sun. Her face was red and there were sweat beads all over her forehead. She tied her long tresses in a bun. Repeatedly she was removing the lock dancing on her right cheek. I devoured her beauty and enjoyed her anxiety for some time.

I gently knocked her shoulder and whispered in her ears “Waiting for someone?”

She got startled and then started beating me, “Why you kept me waiting for so long, you scoundrel? I am sweating badly.”

I put my left arm on the small of her back and said that I was waiting behind her devouring her charms to my heart content. Her face was already red due to the sun, upon hearing my words she blushed very sweetly. I wiped a drop of sweat from her nose and asked her to sit on the bike. She held my left arm and came close to my chest, her face expressed that she was sailing in an ocean of bliss.

“Where are we going?” she asked me as we hit the road towards the Victoria Memorial.

She embraced my waist tightly and glued on my back. I felt her soft bosom melting on my back. She pressed her cheek on my nape. Those sensations took me to the seventh heaven of ecstasy.

I said to her, “We will take the Diamond Harbour Road and then let us see where the road takes.”

She expressed bit angst on hearing the name of the place, “I am not going to Diamond Harbour.”

I asked her, “Why?”

She answered, “Don’t you know the reason?” I shook my head. She said, “Couples go to Diamond Harbour, book hotel rooms for doing all kind of nasty acts.”

I laughed at her, “Titli, you mean young couples go there to have sex.”

She shouted at me and gently slapped on my chest, “You rascal you knew all these. I am not going with you. Stop the bike.”

I teased her, “Come on, Titli, sometime you will experience that also.” I was enjoying her butterfly-feelings. I knew very well that she does not love discuss about sex in open, actually before that we never discussed anything regarding that subject. I teased her again, “Titli, I am sure that you have some fantasies deep down your heart, waiting to get unfolded.”

She bit my nape and screamed, “Adi, will you stop. I won’t talk to you.” She began tickling me on my chest. I felt difficulty in driving my bike but I kept of teasing her as her soft fingers were igniting a passionate sensation all over my frame.

She rubbed her nose on my nape and then whispered, “I love to be cuddled and caressed. I want you to hold me in your arms and just caress me all over. I want to feel your fingers tracing every corners and curves of my body.” After saying that she hid her face on the curve of my right shoulder. I was unable to see her facial expression but I imagined that her face might have turned pink by then. She was breathing heavily on my shoulder and I was enjoying those moment of her demureness.

We both kept silent floating in the winds as I raced the bike towards an unknown destination. Her palms were grazing on my chest, caressing my muscle over my shirt.
She pressed her soft lips on my nape, lashed out her tongue and traced on the salty skin. I trembled on the touch of her wet tongue-tip. I was getting restless by her sensuous touches. I helplessly writhed and tried to concentrate on the road. She started biting my nape gently, leaving teeth marks all over. She whispered in my ears, “You were being naughty, now how is this?”

I was unable to take more; I screamed softly, “Please don’t do this, Titli. I am unable to drive.”

She mocked me, “When I asked you to stop asking me all those, then did you stop? Now it is my turn to tease you.”

“Ok do you want to hear my fantasies?” I asked her.

She screamed, “No Adi, no.”

I scolded her softly, “Then sit quietly, else I will be vocal in my wild fantasies.”

She embraced me tightly in her arms and whispered, “Ok, dear. I will be a good girl as of now.”

I asked her, “Tell me, how you managed to steal time?”

She giggled, “Meticulous planning my dear. I told my mom that I would be staying at Parineeta’s house at night. So don’t worry about being late, but you should drop me at her place by ten o’clock. Sunday is her birthday; she has invited both of us.”

“Brilliant lady.” I said to her “And Parineeta knows that you are going out with me.”

She said, “Yes she knows.”

“What was her reaction? What did she said to you?” I asked her.

She teased me, “She gave me a devilish smile and warned me from you. Probably she knew that you are a devil in a sheepskin. Only I was unaware of that fact.”

We reached Diamond Harbour by noon. The burning sun was pouring scorching rays over us.

I looked at Titli; her face was red, partially due to sun and partially due to the conversation. She slapped me without looking into my eyes. I put my arm around her shoulder to pacify her.

I asked a passerby as where the road leads. The person answered that the roads leads to Kakdwip a place far away from Diamond Harbour. I looked at Titli over my shoulder and gestured her whether she would like to stop there or move along the unknown road. She expressed that she would love to sit on my pillion until the sun goes down the west horizon.

“Ok as my milady commands.” I started the bike along the road.

Continued ...
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Re: The End of Restless Sleep

Post by josef »

Chapter 8: Flight of butterfly. (#2)

After a long drive we reached the place. I looked around; there were only few dingy shops and nothing else. The road ended on the bank of River Ganges.

I pointed to the road and said to Titli, “The road ends here, Titli.” She was astonished to find the truth. I asked her, “What now?”

She got down and looked around, there was a small island due to the sediments, and she pointed to that island and said, “Can we go there?”

I nodded my head, “Probably we can. I have to ask the boat for that.”

“Adi, I am hungry and thirsty.” She pleaded. I could fathom her tiredness due to long four-hour drive, I felt sorry for her. Her face was red and the due to drive under the scorching sun, we both were sweating profusely.

We entered a dingy eatery. I said to her, “Madam, there is no star hotels or restaurants here. You have to eat in these road side shops.”

She gave me a sweet smile in spite of fatigue, “I am ready to stay wherever you are going to keep me. Don’t worry about me rather I am worried about you.”

After sometime, we rented a boat to take us tom the other side of the bank. She held me tightly as the boat was undulating very much.

I asked her, “Do you want to do a titanic scene here? See the wide river and a small boat, perfect ambience for a Caprio and Winslet scene.”

She screamed at me, “Have you gone mad? I don’t know swimming, do you?”

I shook my head, as I was also not a good swimmer. She scolded me as how irresponsible I can be to take her on a small boat, she expressed her fear that if the boat capsize then what would happen. I embraced her tightly and assured her that nothing like that would ever happen.

We walked to the bank of the river; the river was so wide that we were unable to see the other bank properly. There were some huge container ships floating. She asked me as where they were going. I said, probably there was some port nearby to which they were sailing.

We sat on the bank on the green grass. She rested her head on my left shoulder looked out to the infinite horizon. The sky kissing the sea and it was difficult to demarcate as where the sky ended.

She pointed out to some seagulls flying overhead and said, “They are very happy, they can go from any place to another without having any restriction.”
I asked her, “Are you not happy?”

“Yes I am, Adi, but there is still a long way to go.” She sounded bit distressful. She looked at me and said, “My dad, you have to talk to my dad. I respect him very much and don’t break my heart, Adi.”

I pressed my lips on her forehead and said, “Hey silly girl, I will definitely talk to Mr. Bannerjee and keep faith that all will be ok. What about Aunt? What is her reaction?”

She looked at me, “My mom won’t have any problem but the main problem is that none of us have much say in the house in-front of my father. You have to persuade my father.” She paused for a little, rubbed her nose on mine, and asked “How about aunt and uncle? Do they know about us?”

My eyes glistened; I smiled at her “I have told my mom about you, and she is happy with what makes me happy. As for my dad, he does not care as what I do.”

She gave me an inquisitive look, “You never talked about your parents. Why so? Every time you avoided me, whenever I asked about them?”

The sun was going down the west horizon. The river water slowly turned orange, mingled in the rays of the drowning sun. A faint pain of losing another day cramped my heart. From a deep corner of my heart, someone whispered to me, “Adi time has come, you need to tell her about you.”

“My mom is with me, Want to meet her?” I asked her. She gave me a perplexed look. I took out my purse and showed her the picture of my mother. The picture that was taken few months before her demise. I held her hand tightly, bowed down my head trying hard to control the spilling tears from my eyes, “This is my mom, she stays with me always.”

She was intelligent enough to fathom cramping pain of mine. She shrieked, “I did not know that Adi. You never told me about you.”

“No it is ok. I had to tell you one day so why not today.” I continued, “I was a year short of school-final exams, when the news of my mother’s ill-health came to me in the hostel. I came back only to find that my beloved mother was gone. I was left with my grandparents. My father left me and never turned back. I don’t know why he left. Later I came to knew that he got married and I don’t want to disturb his happy family.” Tears were running down from our eyes. I continued, “My mother was vocal against sending me to the hostel for studying but I was sent away. When I came back, there was no one to embrace me except my grandparents. I felt lost in this whole universe. I completed my college also from a hostel. My granddad bought me a flat when I was in college. After few years, my granddad also passed away and then last year, my last straw, my beloved grandma left me. And that is Budhaditya Ghosh, sitting before you, the most ill-fated person in this whole world who has lost everything.”

She took my face between her palms and pressed my head across her bosom. She pressed her lips on my forehead and sobbed, “I will make up what you have lost. Don’t ever say that you are a lost soul, Adi.”

We were surrounded by an infinitesimal lull; only the mingled sound of our pulsating heart could be heard. The sun already went down; the hour was getting late. I freed myself from her arms and looked into her eyes; those were fluffy and red, glistening in liquid drop of pearls.

I wiped her tears, “I am ok, Titli. I am hardened soul by now.”

She smiled painfully, “You are still a mystery to me.” She then whispered in my ears, “I am not going home today, I want to goto your place today. I will call Parineeta to manage.”

I patted Titli on her head, “Titli, this will be a stupid idea. Parineeta babbles too much she might divulge and the consequence can be dire for you. Either I drop you at her place or I drop you at your place.”

She threw her arms around my neck and whispered, “Give me the spare key of my future place.”

I put my arms around her narrow waist, pulled her upon my chest. Her soft bosoms crushed on my chest muscle. Strong feminine fragrance filled the cavities of my empty brain, igniting the hidden urge to suck her honey-filled lips. My palms roamed over her exposed back, over her smooth satin skin. I felt her goose bumps on my palm as I caressed all over the exposed back and spine.
I stooped down over her enticing face and expressed my utmost feelings to her, “Will you let me kiss your smiling crinkled face, bathed in the golden sunrays of west when we grow old?”

Titli’s big black eyes glistened on hearing my proposal. She nodded her head and whispered, “I would Love to, Adi.” She pushed herself on her toes to reach out for my lips by her trembling lips. Soft voice emanated from her lips, “I love you Adi.” Our nose-tip touched each other; sparks of passion flew from our eyes. Heavy breathing caused our chest to flatten on one another. I brought down my lips over her quivering red petals. I felt her hot breath all over my face. She closed her eyes in the forthcoming anticipation of the taste of saliva.
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Re: The End of Restless Sleep

Post by josef »

Chapter 9: Sweltering temptress. (#1)

Titli asked me to pick her up by the evening and for some unfortunate reason, I was late to reach there. I looked at Titli, waiting for me anxiously at the bus-stand. The anxious look on her face added an extra stroke of beauty to her. I could feel the prying eyes of the passersby lewdly gazing at her.
I looked at her with pleading eyes, she ran towards me and slapped me playfully, “Why were you late? I felt as if getting raped by those passers-by.”

I looked at her from head to toe and said, “If you wear such short jeans and revealing red dress then everyone is going to look at you darling. Can’t you wear anything modest?”

She sat on the pillion and said to me, “Adi, I am not boring as you. I want to enjoy my life. By the way, I am going to a party and this is party wear.”
I answered her, “You could have wear something nice and modest. There was no need to wear such revealing dress.”

She spewed ire, “What is the problem with my dress? You and mom are the same. My dress is my choice, don’t say anything more.”

I shook my head and answered, “It will take time for me to get accustomed to all these frolicking.”

She asked me, “Are you angry upon me? Do you want to fight?”

I observed that the heat was brewing and the volcano could spew lava any moment. It was better to keep shut for the time being, “No I am not. Sorry, I don’t want to ruin your evening.”

I kept silent rather to poke an injured snake. I cursed her although not directly, for not listening to Auntie. She sensed that I was hurt by her ire so after sometime she held me tightly and whispered, “Are you angry? Sorry, sorry, sorry, now please forgive me. See I am holding my ears. I will surely obey to whatever you say.”

I complimented her for her sexy outfit, “Ok, I forgive you. By the way you are looking too seductive in that dress.” I then asked her, “Who all are coming at her birthday?”

She slapped my playfully, “Now you like my dress, right.” She giggled, “Basically her birthday passed away few days back. Today her parents are not at home so she is throwing a booze party.”

I exclaimed, “What?”

“Wow... there will be full enjoyment tonight. Will you stay?” She asked me.
I said to her in a stern voice, “Titli; tomorrow is my office. I am not staying in any unknown place neither you are.”

She pleaded at first but since I was adamant so at last she obliged not to stay, “Ok dear, as you wish.”

The time we reached Parineeta’s house we were late and all her friends arrived by then. The blaring sound of the music system and the gathering in that drawing room was beaming with new earned freedom. I looked around the bunch of playful young bloods. The girls present were also in party mood, wearing short dresses. Most of their assets were visible.

Parineeta greeted Titli with a bear hug. I looked at them and my heart skipped few beats. She was surprised to see me, “Welcome Budhaditya. It is my pleasure to have you at my place.” She whispered in my ears, “At last Titli has brought her handsome out of her cloak.”

I looked at her from the head to toe. She wore a red cocktail dress. My gaze traced her plump thighs and curvaceous calves. I looked up to her face; small eyes adorned with long eyelashes were looking at me with a naughty smile on her red full lips. Her plump bosoms were bursting out and her deep cleavage was clearly visible. I felt a lump to choke my throat. Titli slapped on my arm as she found me ogling at her best friend like a hungry mongrel.

She whispered in my ears, “Don’t get tempted, I will kill you. You were telling me not to wear revealing dress and what now?”

I rolled my eyes at her and said, “No dear, I am not leaving you. But such a gathering of vixens would surely make me drooling, is not that.”

She gave a venomous smile and left me. Parineeta asked me whether I would like to have a beer or champagne. I was surprised that they have arranged champagne.

I mocked her, “I don’t drink cold drinks dear.”

“Ahaa... I see. You can drink alone.” She looked at Titli and then said, “Has she restrained you? Come on, today is my birthday party and enjoy.”

I looked at Titli and then winked at Parineeta, “I drink blood. Would you serve me, honey?”

“Ok, what is that?” she was unable to make as what I wanted. She then looked at Titli and asked her as what I wanted. Titli gave me a stern look; I felt that I should not continue as what I wanted to say. I asked whether she had whisky or not.

She shook her head, “No dear, we are still children in compare to you. We are ok with beer.”

I laughed at her and said, “Can you arrange? I will pay.”

“You will pay?” she asked, “You just order as what you want to drink. My friend will bring that for you.”

“Chivas Regal, if possible.” I said to her. Titli warned me not to drink too much. I nodded at her and said that I would obey her every words.

A young man approached Titli and greeted her. She introduced me to that person, Samudra.

I felt bit jealous on seeing Titli getting cosy with her old flame, Samudra.
After sometime, a boy handed me the bottle and a glass. I sat quietly at one couch savouring my drink and looking around the gathering. I was feeling left off since I was the odd man in that pack. Stealthily I walked to the roof, leaving those merry making pack. I looked up the dark Prussian blue sky studded with billions of twinkling stars.
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