Raped By Three Women

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Re: Raped By Three Women

Post by shaziya »

FOREPLAY (A Young Wife's Story)
For the first few months of my marriage to Ravi, I thought maybe I was getting frigid. During our courtship, Ravi
and I had our first sex the way many couples do -- in the backseat of his car. It was steamy but brief. I had never
felt really satisfied. I figured things would be better once we got our own place.
We got married as soon as I turned 23 last June. He found a job selling cars for a friend of his uncle, and I got a
job as a secretary for a TV station. We finally had our own apartment, and it was great not to have to make love
cramped up in a back seat. But sex was still wham-bam and over.
And it got worse. Ravi was getting uptight about his job. He wasn't selling many cars. Hell, he wasn't selling ANY
cars. From the time he got off work at 6 o'clock till the time I left work at 8, he sat around and drank beer and
stewed. When I got home, he attacked me. That's the only way I can put it. His idea of foreplay was 30 seconds
of rubbing my nipples hard, then two fingers in my pussy for another 30 seconds. When he pushed his hard cock
into me, I was still dry. I have to tell you, it hurt. I tried to talk to him about it, but he said I never complained
You can't see me, of course, but I'll tell you, I am not chopped liver. I'm 5 foot 5", 56 kilos. Men stare at my legs
and ass and breasts all the time. I can stop every man in his tracks at a function by wearing a nice chiffon Sari,
leave alone the skirt and blouse I wear for work.
I needed some advice, so I called the most experienced woman I knew -- my older sister, Nalini. Nalini didn't
like Ravi. I hadn't seen much of her since my marriage. When I called and suggested a cup of coffee, she was
more than happy to stop by.
She laughed when I told her about the problem. "I knew that jerk would turn out to be a dud in the sack," she
"It isn't his fault," I said. "His job --"
"Well, it sure the hell isn't your fault, and don't let him try to tell you it is. That's marital rape, trying to jam that
pole into a dry hole. Did he ever hear of foreplay?"
"I tried to drop hints, but he doesn't listen. Now ... now I just don't know what to do."
"Warm up without him, that's what."
"I just can't do that by myself," I said. "Anyway, he's on top of me the minute I get home. He's been sitting around
the house drinking and getting horny."
Nalini stared at her coffee cup until a smile came across her face. "Tell me," she said, "there must be some goodlooking
guys running around a TV station. Right?"
I immediately thought of Anjum Shah. He was gorgeous. "Well, actually, there's a hot guy just down the hall from
me. He's got a rep as the station stud, but he's always been a perfect gentleman when it comes to me. Or maybe
he's just not attracted to me."
Nalini touched my hand. "Honey, you forget, you are one of the hottest women in this town. A guy would have to
be dead and buried for five years not to be attracted to you. The point is, flirt with this Anjum guy a little. Toward
the end of the day, let him touch you here and there. If need be, do a little petting. Whatever it takes to get the
juices flowing. Then rush home to Ravi-the-jerk while the well is still primed."
I was stunned. "Oh, I couldn't do that. Isn't that cheating?"
"Little sister, grow up. Petting isn't cheating. Heavy petting isn't cheating. Fingering isn't cheating. Oral sex isn't
cheating. Now when you find six inches of hot man meat spurting inside you, that's cheating." She grinned. "If
you're lucky."
I shook my head vigorously. "Never. I couldn't do that to Ravi."
"Honey, you're not doing it to Ravi, you're doing it for Ravi. But do what you want, it's your marriage."
At that point, I couldn't imagine flirting with someone. I was happily married, except for this sex problem. But
when I went to work that day, I looked at Anjum Barnett with fresh eyes. As I said, he was gorgeous. Maybe 25
or so. So slim and muscular that I figured he must work out. A half dozen girls in the station bragged that they'd
had him, and they were all willing to go back for more -- but he remained cool and unattached.
As the days went on, I thought more and more about my sister's idea. Anjum and I worked in the same area of
the building. He was a news writer for the 6 and 11 o'clock news reports and for special news features. His shift
ran from 2 till 10, overlapping my noon to 8 shift. I probably passed him a dozen times during an average day.
Finally, on a Friday night,(I specially wore an enticing skirt) as I carried some papers back to my desk to pick up
my purse to go home, he stepped out of the copy room ahead of me. He saw me and flashed a smile, then
continued down the hall a few feet ahead of me. It was now or never, I thought.
I stumbled across my own foot. "Oh, damn!" I fell to the floor and my papers scattered a few feet ahead.
Anjum whirled around and came back to me. "Are you okay?" He reached out and I took his hand to rise to my
"I think so," I said. Then I took a step on my left ankle and almost collapsed again. "Oh, my ankle," I said.
"Here, my office is right here, why don't you have a seat till we can tell how bad it's hurt." He half carried me into
his tiny office and helped me into his guest chair. He pulled his own chair into position in front of me. "Let's have a
look at that."
I had to think for a second before I remembered which ankle I had "hurt." It was my left. I raised my leg and
slipped my ankle into his open hands. He removed the shoe and began to gently work the ankle from side to side.
I grimaced a bit to make it look good, but the truth was that his hands felt wonderful. He squeezed the arch of my
foot and a chill went up my spine. "Ohhh," I moaned. "That's better."
"It doesn't seem too bad. You might want to keep it raised tonight and put some ice on it."
"Yes, doctor."
"I thought you usually wore a Sari."
"Mostly. I'm surprised you noticed."
"Every man in this building notices. You have the sexiest legs I've ever seen." His hands moved slightly higher off
the ankle onto my bare calf. He massaged and caressed it. Oh, God, it was happening. I could feel my moisture
begin to flow. He stroked the calf, lightly, all the way to the back of my knee. "Such sexy skin," he said.
I choked back a moan. He looked at me with a sly grin. I couldn't believe how hot I was getting. "That feels so
good," I said. His hands were incredibly gentle, a wonderful relief after the harsh way Ravi handled me. "Where'd
you learn that? First aid classes?" (what a poor line for flirting)
He laughed, flashing that gorgeous smile. "Doctor Hot Hands, they call me. Heat therapy deluxe. I do shoulders,
too - among other parts."
"Sounds naughty." Actually, his hands really were hot. And now he was petting my bare leg like he owned it.
"Wait," I said, pulling my leg away and laughing, "that feels a little too good. I think I'm okay now."
He seemed disappointed to let go of my leg. But he helped me to my desk, and then kept a hand on my arm as I
hobbled down to the car. He offered to drive me home, but I insisted that I could manage now.
On the way home, I realized that my panties were soaked and I was still trembling. The guy was a lady killer, all
right. He had gotten me wet and shaky just petting one bare leg below the knee.
As usual, Ravi attacked me the minute I walked through the door. He was delighted to discover my wet panties -
- he thought I had gotten excited thinking about making love with him when I got home. With only a minute of
foreplay, he was inside me again and driving toward his own climax. At least I was comfortable this time. Then, as
he reached his climax, I surprised myself. I imagined it was Anjum blasting his cum into me and I raised my hips
to meet him, jerking and twisting my hips as I moaned out a fake orgasm. I felt a little guilty about that, but it did
feel good.
Ravi thought it was terrific. Maybe, I thought, my sister was smarter than I gave her credit for.
I had played the sprained ankle for about all it was worth. I wasn't certain what to do on Monday until I saw
Anjum go into the copy room at 8 o'clock. I knew he had to copy part of the script for the 11 o'clock news. So I
picked up a few papers to copy and followed him.
The copier took up most of the space in the room. Instead of waiting outside, I stood near the end of the copier
while he worked, knowing that he'd have to squeeze past me to get out. "You're getting around a lot better
today," he said as he gathered his things and began to squeeze past me.
I pressed forward a bit toward the machine. He was going to have to brush my butt to get by. "Can you make it?"
I asked.
"I don't know," he said. "Can I?"
I laughed. He knew as well as I did that I could have simply stepped outside the copy room door to wait till he
finished. He knew I was flirting with him.
He squeezed directly behind me, his cock against my ass. He paused and put a palm on my hip. "If you ever
sprain a hip, call me," he said.
"Doctor Hot Hands," I said, laughing. I didn't move, not even when he moved his palm from my hip to the curve
of my buttock. He caressed and squeezed me. Yes, his hands were hot. I could feel the juices begin to flow.
"You better believe it," he said.
"You gonna go out or just stand there all night and play with my bottom?"
"Is that a choice?"
I laughed and shook my rear end free. "Not today."
"Tomorrow, wear a bikini," he said as he left.
I started to copy my papers. My hands were trembling. I couldn't believe what a tease I'd turned into. It was
working as far as Ravi was concerned, but I knew I wasn't being fair to Anjum.
By the next day, I'd decided that the best thing I could do was to be honest. At 8 o'clock I went into his office
and sat on the top of his desk with my naked legs dangling over the front edge. He had already told me that my
legs turned him on.
"I need to apologize to you," I said.
He looked surprised. "What?"
"I've been kind of teasing you and I feel a little bad about it."
He smiled and reached out to grasp my knee and caress my calf. "You don't feel bad to me."
I laughed. "Thank you. But I can't do anything more than tease."
"So? What's bothering you?"
"I have this thing with my husband. He likes for me to be turned on when I come home to him. Now there's
nothing about my job that turns me on. And my drive home doesn't turn me on. So I've been kind of - kind of
using you."
"Aha!" he said. He turned and began to caress my legs with both hands. He looked up at me. "So I'm supposed
to get you warmed up for your husband, right? You go home and screw his brains out, and I go home and play
with myself."
"Oh, poor baby. I know a half-dozen girls here who'd love to hop in the sack with you."
He stood up so close to me that his legs touched my knees. "I'd rather play with you like this than fuck any of the
girls around here." He pushed the hem of my skirt up so he could caress my thighs. Without thinking. I wriggled
my seat on the desk to help him. Why did I do that, I wondered. Maybe because I really wanted to feel those hot
hands on my naked thighs, stroking, squeezing, caressing me. The tingle between my legs was turning into a
gusher. "You have the sexiest skin," he said. "Are you getting warmed up yet?"
"Verrrrry much," I said, pushing him away and standing up. "But someone might see. I'd better go."
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Re: Raped By Three Women

Post by shaziya »

"Yeah," he said, "if we're going to play this game we need to find more private spots."
After that, almost every night just before I left work, we managed to meet in some secluded spot in the building.
We kissed for the first time in a client's booth that overlooked the news set. It was deep, sexual kissing, and he
played with my nipples. His hands were terrific. My nipples had never been so hard before. I had to put tissues in
my bra so no one would notice my pokies as I went to the car. But Ravi went wild over it.
After awhile I realized that Anjum wasn't just getting me warmed up. He was getting me hot, and I mean steaming
hot. I worried a little about that, because sometimes it wasn't easy for me to say "stop." I wondered if I was
already going a little too far with this. But the day we met in the stock room was the one that worried me most.
This late in the day, no one ever came into the stock room. Anjum was waiting for me in the back. The minute I
got within reach, he whirled me around and pressed my ass against him. With his left hand, he pushed my bra
down so he could play with my breast, and then he raised my blouse to slip his right palm in against my bare belly.
He was pulling me back so that my buttocks snuggled against his raging hard-on. "Oh, God," I whispered. I was
breathing hard.
I wiggled my ass suggestively against the bulge in his trousers. The minute I did, he slipped his right hand off my
belly and lifted my skirt so that he could caress my right buttock. "Take your panties off," he whispered. "I want
to pet your naked ass."
I have no idea why I didn't say no, but I did exactly what he asked. I lowered my panties and stepped out. I had
to feel his hot hands. "Oh, Nisha baby," he groaned as he rubbed and squeezed my naked ass. "Your body feels
so sexy. Give me your sexy body." And I wanted to give my body to him. I wanted to feel him touch my naked
body all over. I was so hot I couldn't stand it. When he reached his right hand around to my pussy, I was way
beyond merely "warmed up." I had never gotten this crazy hot with Ravi. I felt Anjum's fingers touch my clit. It
was hard and hot and slick. As his fingers rubbed across it, I wanted to scream. He moved his fingers back and
forth across my lips. I moaned and spread my legs for him. I wanted to feel him inside. I humped against his hand
until his fingers were sliding deeper inside of me. I had never had an honest orgasm with a man, but I felt one
coming now. I squeezed my pussy around his fingers. I couldn't get enough of him. Suddenly I realized that he
had somehow managed to drop his own pants. His hard cock was pressing into the furrow between my lower
cheeks. It was like a shock waking me up.
"Wait!" I said. I struggled to get free. "I can't fuck you. That's not - that's not the deal."
He stood with his cock hanging straight out in the air. "I thought you wanted ... you acted ... Oh Nisha I guess I
misunderstood. "
"That was just too hot. We can't go this far again. I never told you I was going to cheat on my husband."
He nodded. As I rushed out of the stock room, he was still standing there with his cock sticking out.
An hour later, when I was underneath Ravi, I pictured Anjum's beautiful, rigid cock standing straight out toward
me, and I imagined that it was that cock in my pussy, plunging and bursting to an orgasm. Ravi said he had never
seen me so hot.
We cooled it a little after that. Anjum was apologetic, but I wasn't sure he was completely serious. He knew how
turned on I was. But I kept telling myself I didn't really want to fuck Anjum. He was only a warm-up. Right?
Now I had another worry. The TV station's 10th anniversary party was coming up, and I was scared to death to
be alone with Anjum in a loose, party atmosphere. So I kept pushing Ravi to come with me. He didn't want to
come at first, but I kept insisting until he said yes. It's ridiculous, but I thought I needed my husband as a chaperone.
The party started at 7 o'clock in one of the empty production studios. I wore a nice crimson coloured chiffon
Saree with matching blouse bra and french knickers.There was a buffet and plenty of wine,beer and cocktails.
Ravi plunged right into it. He seemed to have a good time. I kept an eye on Anjum, who kept talking to the girls
from the station. I stuck close to Ravi.
A little later, the lights were dimmed and a deejay began to play some dance music. When Anjum came our way,
I was afraid he would want to dance, but he only seemed interested in meeting Ravi. They seemed to get along.
"Nisha talks about you all the time," Anjum said. "She says you're in the car business?"
"Yeah, sort of," Ravi mumbled. He was getting a little drunk.
"A friend of mine is looking for a car for someone if you have any interest. Take a look at this, and if you don't
like it just throw it away. It's no big deal." Anjum handed him a piece of paper. As Ravi turned toward some light
to read the paper, Anjum edged close to me. With his right palm, he stroked my buttock over my saree and
pressed me toward him. I gasped, but I couldn't move to stop him.
When Ravi turned back to us, Anjum told him, "I've got to leave in a bit, but I'll come back for a dance with your
bride, if you don't mind."
"Sure. And thanks for the tip."
"Nice guy," Ravi said as Anjum walked away. "God, look at the women jumping around him. Is he married?"
"No," I said as coolly as I could. "But the word is he fools around with the same girl every night."
"Well, he did give me an interesting tip."
I found myself looking forward to dancing with Anjum. Now that he and Ravi had met, it seemed more legitimate.
The party was beginning to break up, and the music was slowing down, when Anjum came over to claim his
dance. I slipped into his arms, and Ravi walked away toward the bar. I put my arms around Anjum's neck and
snuggled closer. I realized I had been dying to touch him all night.
"You feel so good," Anjum said. He was maneuvering me so that I could look over his shoulder to watch Ravi.
"Tell me when your husband looks the other way."
"What? Why? Well, he's looking the other way now."
I felt Anjum's palm slide down my back to my buttocks. He stroked and squeezed.
"Oh, God, that's hot, you shouldn't do that." The familiar tingle was starting.
"Just getting you warmed up before you go home." He squeezed.
"He's turning this way."
He returned his hand to my lower back and danced me toward Ravi. "I need to touch you," he whispered. "Meet
me in Mr. Kapoor's office in 10 minutes."
"What'll I tell Ravi?"
"Tell him you have some work to finish up before you go."
"We'll see."
We had reached Ravi. Anjum let me go.
"I've got to head out," he told Ravi. "Gotta go play with a hot young lady, you know how that goes."
.Ravi grinned broadly. "Here's hoping you get lucky," he said. "Nice meeting you."
When he was gone, I suggested to Ravi that we should be leaving, too. He agreed.
I told him I had a "hot project" that I needed to take care of first. "Believe me, you wouldn't enjoy watching me
do it. But you could go take a look at the newsroom - the news is about to come on."
"I'll either be there or waiting for you in the car."
"Good, 'cause I'm in the mood for some hot lovin', if that's okay with you," I whispered. My pussy was tingling. I
could hardly keep from rubbing it. I couldn't get Anjum out of my mind. I was dying to get upstairs to him. I
needed his touch. "I feel like getting naked and naughty. Okay?"
"Oh, yeah, you know it is." He grinned and nodded. "I'll keep the motor running for you."
"I can't wait." I said. I touched my finger to his lips. "I'm hot for it already."
I actually ran up the stairs, lifting my saree almost to my knees, and made it to Mr.Kapoor's office in record time.
The office was dark. When I entered, I heard a "shhhh" and a hand closed and locked the door. Anjum gathered
me in his arms and gave me a deep kiss. I wrapped both arms around his neck and squirmed against him. I was
so excited I could hardly stand it. I wanted to tear his clothes off, to feel that gorgeous body against mine.
"I wanted to do this all night," he whispered.
"Me, too."
Suddenly he picked me up and laid me down on the top of Mr. Kapoor's desk (He is the big boss around here).
My Saree and petticoat rode up to my waist, exposing my legs in the half light from the window. "What a delicious
body. You look sssoo hot in this saree.I want to pet you all over, every inch."
"Yes." I needed him to touch me. He was already stroking my naked legs, from the ankles up. I was perspiring
from the heat of the party and the run upstairs. His hot hands grew wet. I felt his wet fingertips fondle my legs,
slowly moving up the inside of my thigh until he almost reached my crotch. Then he was pressing me back and
reaching up to open my blouse and undo my bra. My nipples were already hard and so tight that the touch of his
wet fingertips sent shudders through me. My nipples ached so. It was almost painful. I moaned and arched my
breasts up to meet his hot hands. He rubbed my nipples oh-so-lightly. It was killing me.
His hands moved lower. While his right hand grasped my right leg, he rubbed my bare belly with the palm of his
left hand. I could feel his fingers edging under the leg of my knickers to my pubic hair, then back out. With the
fingertips of his right hand, he was tracing tiny circles on my inner thigh all the way to the wet crotch of my silk
knickers, then back to my knee. He was teasing me. But I didn't need warming up. I was as hot as I'd ever been,
infact I remembered a colleague's words "Nisha is always on fire", Oh Godddd!!! I was really on fire....... What I
really needed was the orgasm I had almost had that day in the stock room. I wanted his fingers fucking me.
"Anjum," I whispered. I raised my hips and slipped my knickers down and off. I tossed them to the far edge of
the desk. He took off his shirt and tossed it away. He wrapped his arms around both my legs and gripped my
naked ass with both hands. He squeezed fiercely. Slowly he slid his hands down off my buttocks and onto the
backs of my thighs. I was gasping for breath. He began again to pet my naked belly and inner thighs, teasing me.
"Anjum," I whispered again. I caught his hand in mine and pressed it against my pussy. I spread my legs,my saree
and petticoat bunched up and crushed between my knees and my waist and humped upward against his hand.
"Play with me, Anjum, baby, make me cum."
At last I felt his middle finger enter my pussy. He pulled it out, covered with my juices, and wiped the hot liquid
over my lips and clit. I shuddered. He slipped two fingers inside of me. I tightened my pussy walls around them.
When he began to finger fuck me, I humped back at his hand to drive him deeper. Suddenly, he grasped my right
hand and moved it past the edge of the desk to the crotch of his trousers. He lowered his trousers and his hot,
rigid cock sprang into my palm. I caressed his cock while he plunged his fingers into my right tunnel. Still finger
fucking my pussy, he leaned forward and pressed his open mouth against the nipple of my right breast. He
sucked, then traced his teeth lightly across the tight surface, then sucked again.
My orgasm raced through my body almost without warning. I shuddered and moaned. The lower part of my
body thrashed wildly. I wrapped both legs tightly around his right arm and held on until the trembling began to
subside. I realized I was still moaning, still gripping his cock. It had been so long.
Slowly he caressed my inner thighs with his wet hand, and then he turned my lower body toward the edge of the
desk. I let go of his cock to allow him to position both of my legs around him. His hard cock touched my sticky
wet hot pussy. He moved tighter against me until the plum of his cock rubbed against my pussy. My heart was
pounding. I wasn't thinking. I was letting my eager body do what it wanted to do. He pressed forward, rubbing
his cock against the outer lips of my pussy. I raised my hips to rub back against his motion. I touched his cock
again. I pressed it against my clit. His cock and my pussy were so wet and hot, the rubbing was making me crazy.
I trembled all over. "Anjum, baby, baby," I whispered. My pussy lips were swollen and aching as they rubbed
along his cock. I could hear a faint swish as our most intimate sex juices mixed together. I spread my legs wider
for him. I wanted to give him everything I had. He was so sexy. My pussy was so ready for him. I had to have
him inside of me, now. I had never been this horny for Ravi. I was dying for it. But he only continued to slide his
cock against me.
I reached for his cock. "Anjum," I whispered, "baby, do it, don't tease me. Let's fuck." I lifted my hips and
pressed the tip of his cock into the entrance of my pussy. I squirmed to get it deeper. I had never felt a cock so
hard. Finally he pressed forward, a bit at a time, until I felt the hot flesh begin to fill me. I squealed. The walls of
my pussy rippled around him, drawing him deeper. "Oh, yes! ... yesss! .... yessssss!!! Do it, Anjum, baby, you're
my lover."
He withdrew and drove back even deeper. "OHHHHHHHHHHH ..... GODDDDDD!!! .....
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS !!!" I moaned. I grasped his ass and pulled him into me again and again. I could feel the
tension building inside me. Then he reached out and pulled me up into a sitting position. I wrapped my arms
around his neck and squirmed against him. He grabbed my ass and picked me up. He stepped back with me until
he leaned back against the sofa across from the desk. Now I could pump back at him while he gripped my ass
cheeks so he could drive harder into me. He squeezed my tight buttocks. I ground my crotch against him. I
gripped him between my thighs. I couldn't get enough of his hot fucking. "Anjum, baby, baby, you're so hot, so
hard," I whispered. "You're my lover, baby, fuck me, fuck me." I whimpered as I felt my lower belly tighten, and
then the waves of ecstasy were breaking over me again. I pumped feverishly against Anjum's cock. I plunged my
fingernails into his shoulders. I bit his neck. I was still cumming when I felt his cock swell inside me. He groaned.
He gripped my ass tighter and drove deeper. He spurted his seed deep inside me. As his cock came almost out
and drove back inside, our juices swished together over and over.
At last he collapsed backward onto the sofa. I stretched out on top of him and flexed my belly against his. I
wrapped my legs around one of his and rubbed my pussy against his thigh. "It was about time," he said. "That
was fantastic."
"Yes, yes, yes," I said. Suddenly I panicked. Ravi would be waiting. I grabbed some tissues from Mr.Kapoor's
desk and wiped myself off as best I could. I tried to straighten the wrinkles out of my Saree where it had bunched
up between my waist and thighs. "I've got to go," I said weakly. "Ravi is waiting."
"Are you warmed up?" Anjum asked.
"A little bit," I said. I kissed him lightly on the lips and rushed out.
Ravi was waiting in the car. I didn't know how long he had been waiting. I didn't want an argument, so the instant
I entered the car, I reached for him. "Let's fuck," I said. "Right here. I can't wait." As I threw my legs around him
and drew him into my soaking wet crotch, I realized that I hadn't picked up my knickers.
They weren't just anyone's knickers. They had "Ravi's Private Honey Pot" printed across the front of the crotch.
Anjum would pick them up, I hoped. Or Mr. Kapoor would be in for one hell of a surprise tomorrow morning.
The next morning, I got up early as usual to have coffee with Ravi as he ate his breakfast. He was in a great
mood. He had enjoyed the party - loved the food, had plenty of the booze, and got laid in the parking lot.
I had had my first intercourse orgasm. The trouble was, it hadn't been with Ravi. I hadn't really intended my sex
games with Anjum to go that far. But he looked so hot last night, and the party had made me so horny. I just
about tore his clothes off. The sex was far and away the best I'd ever had.
I wasn't certain how I felt about all that this morning. I'd have to sort it out later. Right now I was concerned
about the personalized knickers I had forgotten in Mr.Kapoor's office.
In mid-morning, I found out about them. I got a phone call. It was a woman's voice, oddly muffled.
"My boyfriend and I have your knickers," she said. "We know when you dropped them, and we know who got
into them. Here's a hint: the guy who got into Ravi's Private Honey Pot wasn't Ravi."
I was stunned. "I want them back. Give them back to me. I'll pay."
The girl laughed. "We don't want your money."
"What do you want?"
"We don't want you to do anything you don't want to do. We want you to fuck your boyfriend, and we want to
watch. We like to watch. It turns us on. It makes our own sex hotter. But we don't want you to see us."
"What makes you think we're going to have sex again?"
"Honey, we saw how wet your knickers were. We even saw you when you left your private party in Mr
Kapoor's office. You looked like a girl who'd just had the fuck of her lifetime. You'll have sex again. You couldn't
keep from it if you tried."
"How do I know you'll give me back the knickers?"
"Because we're nice people. We don't even want you to worry. We'll keep our mouths shut, and your knickers
will be secure. Then one of these days we'll ask you to do something that you're already dying to do. Meanwhile,
don't worry, relax. We'll be in touch."
She hung up. I had to sit down. I was shaking all over. I didn't know whether to be scared or reassured... .........
......... .........
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Re: Raped By Three Women

Post by shaziya »

Do you think there should be more???
Do Do Chachiyan
Mein tab 13 saal ka tha aur ninth class mein aaya tha. Mere ma baap gaon mein rahte the, aur we chahte the ki
mein age ki parhai mein shahar ja kar karu. Mere do chacha shahar mein rahte the, pitaji ne mujhe unke yaha
padhai ke liye bhej dia. Mere bade chacha ke sath me rahne laga. Unke ghar mein chacha rahte the jo teacher
the aur gaon me posting thi, chacha gaon me hi rahte the aur shanivar ki raat hi ghar aate the aur somwar ki subah
wapas chale jate the. Chacha 35 saal ke the aur chachi 27 ki, unke ek larka tha jo 3 saal ka tha aur ek larki jo
abhi do mahine pahle paida hui thi. Chachiji abhi bhi usko dudh pilati thi. Meri nazar aksar unki chatio per pad jati
thi, jo dudh se bhari hui hoti thi aur kum se kum 40 inch ki thi. Chachji sawle rang ki thi. Unki kamar bhi moti thi
aur gaand bhi. Unke nipples kale- bhure rang ke the. Kai dafe we bachi ko dudh pilate pilate so jati to me unke
boobs tabiyat se dekhta.
Bade chacha ke sath hi sata hua tha chhote chacha ka makan, unki shadi ko koi do saal hue the. Chacha ki umra
thi 25 saal aur chachi koi 18-19 ki thi. Chhoti chachi badi chachi se bilkul viprit thi. We ekdum gori aur slim thi.
Unki height 5ft 4 inch thi aur unki chuchia shayad 34 size ki thi. Kamar patli thi aur gaand ka size shayad 36 hoga.
Chhote chacha bhi sarkari naukri mein the aur unko kai baar 15 -15 din ke liye tour er jana parta tha. Meri bari
chachi ka naam tha Vimla aur chhoti ka Sunita. Ghar mein ek naykrani kaam karne aati thi jiska naam tha Kamla,
wo chhoti umra mein hi vidhwa ho gayi thi. Uska laghbag pura din humare ghar mein hi bitta tha.
Chhoti bachhi ke karan bari chachi mujh per zyada dhyan nahi de pati ur chhoti chachi hi mujhe tayyar karti aur
school bhejti thi. Dono gharo ke bich mein ek chowk tha, jahan sardio mein dono chachia aaram se kapre khol
kar naha leti thi. Mein bhi yahi nahata tha khas taur per sardio mein. Kamla bhi aksar humare chowk mein hi
nahati thi. Chacha aksar bahar hote the isliye mein chhoti chachi ke saath hi sota tha. Jab chhote chacha aate to
mein lobby mein ya badi chachi ke sath sota tha. Ek din kuch kitabe talaste samay meri nazar kuch kitabo per
padi. Inme chachi ki chudai ki kahania bhi thi. Padhte padhte meri nunni bhi tan jati thi. Mein inko aksar chori
choru padhta. Alag alag mudaro mein chudai ke photo wali kitabe bhi waha per thi. Mein unko bhi apni course ki
kitab mein daal kar padhta. Ek din koi film ki CD talashte talshte mere hath blue film ki cd bhi lag gayi , chhote
chacha ne kum se kum 10-12 blue film ki CD chhupa rakhi thi, bade chacha ki kamre mein bhi itni hi CD padi
thi. Mauka lagte hi mein unko bhi chori chori dekhta aur chachio ke bare me soch mutthi marta. Mera Lund bus
jawan hone ko tha.
Ek din chhote chacha ghar aye hue the. Me lobby me so raha tha. Raat me mujhe zor ki susu lagi. Bathroom ki
taraf jar aha tha to chhote chacha ke bedroom se kuch ajib si awaze aa rahi thi. Kamre ka darwaza khula hua
tha, bus halka sa parda khicha hua tha mujhse raha nahi gaya, me parde ke piche ja kar under chupchap dekhne
laga. Under alag hi nazara tha. Chhoti chachi ne apni dono tange mod kar chacha ki kamar per lapeti hui thi aur
unke dono hatho ne chacha ki gaand kas kar pakri hui thi chacha ka lund chachi ki choot ke under bahar aa jar
aha tha. Chachi bole ja rahi thi,' chodo raja aur zor se, meri choot ki aag shant kar do, itne dino se isko lund mila
hai, maro meri zor se, fad do meri fuddi, chod chod kar iska kachumar nikal do, aah ohh ooooh,,' wo bol rahi thi
aur chacha ke strokes ke sath apni gaand hila rahi thi. Chacha bhi zor zor se strokes laga rahe the,' ye le randi teri
choot me musal, aaj mera lauda teri choot ki wo halat karega ki aane wale dus din tak lund mangne ki iski himmat
nahi hogi,' wo bole,' ha jaan chod chod kar fad do, bujhao meri choot ki aag,' chachi boli.' Koi 2 minute me
chacha jhad gaye, aur chachi se alag ho side me let gaye, chachi abhi bhi santusht nahi hui thi aur apni balo wali
choot me ungli kar rahi thi,' jaan inti bhi kya jaldi thi meri choot ne to pani chhoda hi nahi, unhone kaha.' " 15 -15
din tak teri choot nahi milti aur isliye excitement me jaldi pani nikal jata hai jaan, tu mera lund choos kar jaldi
tayyar kar me dusri bar der tak chodunga tujhe,' ye kah kar chacha ne apna lund chachi ke muh me daal dia,
chachi usko lollypop ki tarah chusne lagi.' Mujhe dar lagne laga me chupchap apne bister per aaya chachi ke bare
me soch kar muth mari aur so gaya. Subah chhote chacha wapas bahar chale gaye. Me bhi school chala gaya.
Din me mein padhai kar raha tha chhhoti chachi aur kamla ki batchit mujhe sunai di,' kyu didi raat me to khub
mahabharat ki ladai hui hogi?" Kamla ne chhoti chachi se pucha,' are Kamla, humare nasib me kaha mahabharat
,' chachi udas swar mein boli,' kyu didi aisa kya hua? Bhiya dikhte to pure mard hain? Kamla ne pucha,' nahi
Kamla waise to pure mard hein bus maidan mein zyad tik nahi pate,' chachiji ne kaha.' Oh matlab pani jaldi
chhoot jata hai?" Kamla ne pucha,' Ha Kamla,' chachiji ne jawab dia." Chhotega jyu nahi didi aap ho hi itna
garam maal fir mard itne din bina chudai ke rahega to uska pani to ek minute me niklega hi,' Kamla haste hue boli.
" Meri choot to pyasi hi rah gayi Kamla,' chachiji boli.' Me kuch karu didi?" Kamla ne pucha.' B tu kya karehi
tere pao ke pich me Lund thode hi uga hua hai?" chachiji ne kaha. " Aap mujhe kah ke to dekho apki choot ki
aag to me bujha kar manungi,' Kamla boli.' Theek hai Kamla ab meri choot tere hawale lekin agar meri choot ki
aag nahi bujhi to me teri gaand mar dungi,' chachiji haste hue boli,' mar lena didi meri gaand ko bhi thandak
milegi,' Kamla haste hue boli. Mujhe laga dono aurte ek dusre se bahut zyada khuli hui hein.
me raat ka intzar karne laga, mujhe pata tha aaj chhoti chachi ki choot ke liye Kamla kuch saman zarur jutayegi.
chhoti chachi raat mein 8 baje khana kha kar nahayi fir unhone ek sexy nightie pahni. Kale rang ki Nightie mein
chhoti chachi ki kali chaddi saaf dikhai de rahi thi aur unki gaand ki dono fanke saaf jhalak rahi thi. Choti chachi
ne bra nahi pahni thi aur unke chhote aur kase hue boobs saaf dikhai de rahe the. Chhoti chachi ke nipples
ekdum pink the, mujhe laga inki choot bhi ekdum gulabi hogi. Kamla ne sare kaam jaldi hi nipta diye, wo ghar me
kaam karte samay sirf blouse aur petticoat pahnti thi. uska peticoat aksar uski moti gaand ke beech fas jata aur
mujhe andaz ho jata ki wo chaddi nahi pahnti.
Nau baje hi chhoti chachi ne mujhe dudh diya aur batti bujha di,' Ramesh ab tum so jao, subah jaldi uth kar
tumko school jana hai,' ye kah kar chachi ne mujhe chadar odha di aur mere sir per kiss kar ke chali gayi,' chachi
se achhe perfume ki khushbu aa rahi thi.
Kamla chhhoti chachi ke kamre me chali gayi, dono ke hasne ki awaze aa rahi thi, koi dus minute baad chhoti
chachi ne kaha,' Kamla jakar dekh to lo Ramesh jug to nahi raha?" Kamla bina awaz kiye mere paas aayi aur
mujhe gaur se dekha, usko yakin ho gaya ki me gahri neend me hu,' didi Ramesh bhaiya to gahri neend me hu, ab
der karne se kya fayda,' wo boli. Thodi der baad chhoti chachi ke kamre se blue film ki awaze aani lagi.
Mujhe laga ki ab dono aurte apne karyakram me mast hogi to me chhupchhap unke kamre ki taraf gaya, under
night lamp jal raha tha. Me parde ke piche chup gaya. Under dekha to dang rah gaya. chhoti chachi bister per
tange chauri kar ke leti hui thi. Unke gol aur tight boobs jaise bahar ko koodne ko lalayit the. Uper ki gulabi
chuchia ekdum banduk ki goli ki nok ki tarah sakht ho rakhi aur nukili ho rakhi thi. Kamla bhi ekdum nangi thi.
uski nangi aur pahar jaisi kali gaand meri taraf thi, aur wo chachi ki choot chaat rahi thi, chachi ne uske baal pakre
hue the,' Kamla teri jebh to lund se bhi zyada maza de rahi hai,' chachi boli,' didi meri jeebh janti hai apki choot
ko kaha kaha kitna pressure chahiye, lund to andha hota hai choot ki thukai kar under pani dal kar chala jata hai,'
kamla ne kaha aur uski choot chatne ki awazen aur chachi ki oooh aah ki awazen tex ho gayin,' Kamla tu to puri
randi hai choos meri jaan choos meri choot, bahut maza aa raha hai,' chachi ne kaha,Kamla ab jeebh aur under
dal kar jeebh se chachi ki choot ko chod rahi thi, chhoti chachi hawa me gaand utha utha kar Kamla ki jeebh ko
choot de rahi thi,' chod kamla chod mujhe chod rani aur zor se chod, meri choot aaj se teri ghulam hai, chodti ja
rani,, oooooohhh aaaaaaaaaahhh bahut maza aa raha hai teri jeebh per meri choot apna pani chhodne wali hai,'
chachi boli aur kas ker Kamla ke baal pakar liye. chachi ki saans ful rahi thi, kamla gatagat unki gulabi choot ka
ras pee rahi thi. " didi apki choot kya hai ,angoor ka mithe dana hai,' Kamla bili.' Chachi sharma gayi, boli,' dhatt!'
" Ab mera karz utaro didi,' Kamla boli aur tange chori kar ke let gayi, chachi ab uski tango ke samne thi.Kamla ki
choot ekdum saaf thi.' Uski choot ke mote kale hot mujhe saaf dikhai de rahi thi. Kamla ki choot ke kale hoto ke
bich se jhante choot ke under ke mote kale hot bhi dikh rahe the. Kamla ki choot se chachi ki choot thik ulti thi,
ab chachi ki gaand meri taraf thi isliye wo saaf dikh rahi thi. Chachi ki choot aisa lagta tha jaise kisi 14 saal ki larki
ki choot ho ekdum saaf aur tight. Chachi ne apni drawer se ek naqli lund nikala usko nirodh pahnaya aur Kamla
ki choot me ghusa dia. Chachi ab Kamla ko chod rahi thi, kamla do minute me hi garam ho gayi,' chodo didi is
randi ka bhosda is laure se,' Kamla ne kaha aur wo galia bolne lagi,' oh madarchod oooh bhenchod kya lund hai
faad do is se mera kala bhosda aur zor se chodo,' ye kah kar Kamla apne mote mote kale chooter hawa me
uchalne lagi.' Uske bade bade 42 inch ke lagbhag ke boobs bhi uchal rahe the aur kale mote nipples ekdum tane
hue thi, chachi bich bich me uske nipples masal deti thi. Kamla ko 3-4 minute me orgasm ho gaya, udhar blue film
abhi bhi chal rahi thi, usme ek jawan larke ka lund do buddi aurte choos rahi thi, mera lund patthar ki tarah ho
rakha tha, aur uttejna se itna pani nikla ki mera nikker gila ho chuka tha, maine excitement me nikker niche sarka
dia aur un dono ki kaam leela dekh kar muth mar raha tha. chachi ke jharne ke sath hi mere pahla veeryapaat ho
chuka tha, lekin Lund fir bhi shaant nahi hua me dusri baar muthi mar raha tha, ab jaise hi dono aurte jhad gayi
meri nazar blue film per thi, waha ek aurat ab us larke ka supara choos rahi thi to dusri uske aand chaat rahi thi.
Me ye dekh hi raha tha ki mujhe pata hi nahi chala ki kamla aur chhoti chachi bathroom jane ke liye room se
bahar jane lagi thi, Kamla mujhe dekh kar lagbhag chikhi ,' arre tum yaha kya kar rahe ho,' mujhe kuch samajh
nahi aaya,' susu karne aaya tha,' maine kaha aur fule hue lund ko nikker me thusne ki koshish karte hue bhag kar
bister per aa kar chupchap let gaya.
me soya hi thi ki Kamla under ayi aur night lamp jala diya. wo mere paas aakar boli,' Ramesh bhaiya, kya hua,
aapo neend nahi aa rahi kya?' Me sone ki acting karne laga magar Kamla mujhe zor se jhinjhorne lagi, ab sone ki
acting karna bekar tha, maine aisa zahir kia jaise me neend se utha hu,' kya hua Kamlaji?' maine pucha.Kamla ne
mujhe aank mari aur boli,' ab aap sone ki acting bund karo aur jaldise batao parde ke piche kya kar rahe the nahi
to me abhi chachiji ko bulati hu,' usne kaha, mere pasine chhoot gaye,' kuch nahi mujhe susu lag raha tha bathroom
ja raha tha, chachiji ka room khula dekh kar under jhankne lag gay,' maine kaha.' dekho bathroom to lobby
se attach hai iske liye iske liye waha aane ki zarurat kaha, aur fir tumne apni nunni to pahle hi bahar nikal rakhi thi,
kya parde ke piche susu karne wale the?' ye kah kar kamla hasne lagi.
Mere pasine chhooot rahe the aur me lund ko daba kar baitha hua tha,' chalo aao me tumko susu karwa lati hu
waise bhi tum bina susu kiye humko dekh kar let gaye aao chalo nahi to bister geela ho jayega,' Kamla muskarate
hue boli. Mujhe kato to khun nahi,' nahi mujhe ab susu nahi aa rahi,' maine kaha,' jaldi chalo bathroom me nahi to
me chhoti chachiji ko bhi bula lungi hum dono tumko pakar kar zabardasti susu karwayenge,' Kamla boli to dar
ke mare meri gaand gale me aa gayi aur me uth khada hua. halanki maine ghutne mor rakhe the magar nikker me
tana hua lund kaise chupata. Bathroom pahuch kar maine kaha,' me khud susu kar lunga ab aap jao.'" aise kaise
kar loge aaj to me hi tumko susu karwaungi ,' Kamla ne kaha aur mere nikker ko utarne lagi, me nahi nahi karta
raha magar tab tak to mera nikker ghutno tak niche khich chuka tha aur lund uchal kar bahar aa chuka tha,'
Ramesh babu aise to susu kaise karoge tumhari nuni to tani hui hai jab tak ye baithegi nahi susu uteraga nahi,'
kamla boli aur dheere dheere mere lund ke age ki chamri aage piche karne lagi. thore dino pahle hi maine muth
mar mar kar aage ki chamri piche khiskayi thi magar abhi bhi wo aasani se puri piche nahi jati thi aur dard bhi
hota tha, kamla ne sabun lia aur usko chamri per ragad dia iske baad wo dheere dheere chamri ko pura age
piche karne lagi. Meri halat kharab thi. Kamla ne lund ko muthi me kas kar pakra hua tha mujhe acha bhi lag raha
tha , koi do minute bhi nahu hue the ki mera fawwara chhoot gaya jo kamla ki chhati per gira, blouse me se uske
mamme saaf dikh rahe the. " to parde ke piche ye kaam ho raha tha Ramesh babu,' kamla haste hue boli,' ye to
hum se hi karwa lete kyu apne hath ko taklif dete ho,' kamla boli. Mera lund murjha raha tha aur chhota ho gaya
tha,' ab mutne ki koshish karo ramesh babu,' ye kah kar kamla muh se see see ki awaz nikalne lagi jaise chhote
bache ko muta rahi ho, thodi der me mera mut nikla, kamla ne lund ke chhed per tangi bachi khuchi buno ko hath
se saaf kia aur mujhe nikker wapas pahna dia,' aap chhoti chachi ko to ye nahi bataoge?' maine pucha,' agar tu
meri sari baat manega to nahi kahungi , bol manega?' usne kaha,' me bola,' aap jo kahoge me karunga bus aap
chachiji ko kuch mat batana.' " chal ab bister per jakar so ja tujhe subah jaldi uth kar school jana hai,' kamla boli
aur wapas chhoti chachi ke kamre me chali gayi is bar meri under jhankne ki himmat nahi hui.
mujhe raat bhar dar ke mare neend nahi aayi, aur mare dar ke chachi ke kamre mein dubara jhankne ki himmat
nahi hui. Mare dar ke lund bhi bechara sikur kar para raha.
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Joined: 19 Feb 2015 03:27

Re: Raped By Three Women

Post by shaziya »

Koi 2-3 baje meri neend lagi. Mujhe chhoti chachi
bournvita ke dudh ke sath subah 545 per uthati thi. dudh pee kar mein brush karta toilet jakar tayyar hota phir
645 per meri school bus aa jati thi. Agle din subah meri neend khuli mujhe laga chhoti chachi mujhe jagane aayi
hein, magar dekha to Kamla dudh ka glaas lekar mere sirhane bethi thi. Maine glass pakra aur dudh peene laga,
jaise hi dudh khatam hua Kamla ne apne blouse ke button kholne shuru kar diye, is se pahle ki mujhe kuch
samajh me aata Kamla boli,' ramesh babu ab aap bare ho gaye ho ab aapko glass wala nahi ye dudh peena
chahiye,' aur haste hue usne apne kale mote nipples mere hoto ke age kar diye, me uska nipples chusne laga,
mere sharir mein current dauda aur mein ab uska ek mota boob apne dono hatho mein lekar dabane masalne laga
aur nipples zor zor se chusne laga, kamla see see uii uii ki awaze karne lagi,' le ab dusra mumma bhi choos ek ko
hi nichorega kya harami!' wo boli aur ab mere samne dusra boob tha jise maine nichorna shuru kar dia, kamla
mere hatho ki taqat se dung thi,' abe tere hatho me to badi taqat hai, mazboot pakar hai teri, wo boli. udhar
kamla ke mast aur mote mume dabate dabate mera lund akar kar nikker ko fad raha tha. Kamla ne apna hath
niche liya aur nikker ke uper se hi usko dabane lagi,' Ramesh babu ye bechara akar kar pathar ho raha hai aur
garam lohe ki tarah ubal raha hai, isko thandak pani nikalne ke bad hi pahuchegi,' usne kaha aur dusre hath se
zup kholne lagi. Ek hi minute me mera lund chhat ki taraf dekh raha tha,' Kamlaji please isko wapas dal do chhoti
chachi aa jayengi,' maine kaha,' unhone tumko nanga nahi dekha kya Ramesh babu? dekh bhi lengi to kya hai!'
Kamla ne kaha aur mera lund aur zor se daba diya. " uff' mere muh se nikla to kamla ne pakar dheere kar di aur
mere supare per unglia firane lagi, ' ramesh babu tumne dudh pi liya ab meri bari hai,' ye kah kar unhone muh
niche kia aur apni jibh mere moot ke chhed per ferne lagi, mujhe kuch samajh nahi aaya, kamla ne ab mere
supare ki chamri piche ki aur usko lollypop ki tarah chusne chatne lagi, danto se wo meri chamri ko age piche
sarkane lagi. uske muh se girte thook ne mere pure lund aur andkoshon ko gila kar dia tha, me naya khiladi tha
zyada control nahi kar paya, do minute me hi mera sharir tan gaya aur veerya ki pahli bund uchhal kar kamla ke
muh me ja giri, kamla ne turant apne hot mere laude per kas diye aur uchal rahi ek ek bund ko gatakti rahi, jab
veerya ki akhri bund ne mere lund se bahar ka rasta dhundh lia tab kahi ja kar kamla ne apna muh mere lund se
hataya,' ramesh babu kunware lund ka veerya to mamrit hota hai aaj tumne amrit pila dia,' ye kah kar usne blouse
ke button bund kar diye maine bhi nikker bund kia aur bathroom me bhag gaya. Us din school me mera bilkul
man nahi laga kitabo ki bich me mujhe kamla ke mumme dikhai de rahe the.
Dopahar 2 baje ke aaspaas me ghar aaya, darwaza chhoti chachi ne hi khola. Maine bag patka aur jaise hi
bathroom ki taraf jane laga, choti chachi ne awaz di,' ramesh ruk abhi bathroom me mat jana,' sun kar me wahi
khada ho gaya,' kyu chhoti chachi?' maine puchha,' ek minute ruk,' chhoti chachi boli. " subah naha kar gaya tha
school?" paas aakar chhoti chachi ne pucha,' nahi hachiji me abhi naha lunga,' maine kaha,' ruk aaj me tujhe
nahlaungi, tera pani garam kar dia hai sardi me mel zyada ho jata hai tu ragar nahi payega,' chhoti chachi boli, me
ghabra raha tha,' nahi chachi me khud naha lunga,' maine kaha,' kyu me nahi nahla sakti tujhe?' chhoti chachi ne
pucha,' nahi chachiji wo baat nahi per me khud naha lunga,' maine kaha,' pichli sardi tak to tujhe me hi nahlati thi,'
choti chachi ne kaha,' ha chachi per ab me bada ho gaya hu,' maine kaha,' acha tab to pakka me hi tujhe
nahalaungi dekhu to sahi mera bhatija kitna bada ho gaya hai,' kah kar chhoti chachi muskrane lagi. Is se pahle ki
me kuch bolta, chhoti chachi ne apni saree utar fenki, wo mere samne sirf blouse aur petticoat pahne khadi thi,
unhone mere shirt ke button kholne shuru kar diye, mechachi ki giraft se chut kar bhag gaya, magar wo piche
piche bhagi aur mera shirt pakar lia, me bhagte bhagte jaise hi sofe tak aya chhoti chachi ne mera shirt puche se
pakar lia,' shirt utarta hai ya fadu,' wo boli, 'nahi utarunga,' kah kar me aage bhagne laga,' kamla jaldi idhar aa ye
suraj maan nahi raha ise pakarna parega,' chachi ne awaz di, awaz sun kar badi chachi aur kamla dono under aa
gayi. me bhagte bhagte bister tak gaya tab tak tino aurto ne mujhe pakar lia aur bister per gira dia,' kya hua?'
badi chachi ne pucha,' kuch nahi didi sardio me isko me hi nahlati hu aaj bhi nahlane ke liye le jane lagi to ye
kahta hai ki me apne aap naha lunga, me bada ho gaya hu,' chhoti chachi boli,' achha ye baat hai fir to aaj isko tu
hi nahla,' ye kah kar badi chachi bhi mere kapre utarne lagi. teno aurto ne mujhe dabaya hua thaSirt to kamla aur
chhoti chachi ne utar diya, udhar badi chachi mera nikker niche khech chuki thi, me abhi tak chaddi nahi pahnta
tha. Jaise hi mera nikker ghutno tak aaya to badi chachi ki nazar mere auzar per padi,' theek hi kahta hai ye larka,
dekh ye bada to ho gaya,' badi chachi mere tane hue lund ko dekh kar boli, chhoti chachi bhi niche dekhne lagi,'
ha didi iski susu wali jagah to bahut badi ho gayi,' chhoti chachi boli aur mere lund ko thappad marne lagi,' kya
kar rahi ho?' badi chachi boli, kuch nahi didi iski pitai kar rahi hu,' wo boli, ye sun kar kamla aur badi chachi zor
se hasne lagi,' are pagal ab ye auzar dusro ki pitai layak bun chuka hai,' badi chachi boli. nera lund pathar bun
chuka tha, kamla aur chhoti chachi ke boobs mere seene per zor dale hue the, udhar badi chachi boli,' jub tak
iska ling samanya nahi hota ye kaise nahayega?'' ha didi isko samanya karna to zaruri hai,' chhoti chachi ne kaha,
ta tak badi chachi mere vrashan per unglia ferne lagi,' iska andkosh bhi bada ho gaya hai ab ye pura mard bun
gaya hai,' unhone kaha aur mere andkosho ko sahlane lagi meri halat kharan ho rahi thi, udhar chhoti chachi ab
niche aayi aur mere lund ko chusne lagi. Kamla mera seena aur pet sahla rahi thi, badi chachi mera andkosh aur
gaand sahla rahi thi, jaise hi chhoti chachi ne mera lund chusna shuru kia unhone bhi meri golia muh me le li aur
unko chatne lagi mare uttejna ke meri gaand uper niche hone lagi aur koi 2 minute me mera fawwara chhoot gaya
is baar chhoti chachi isko gatak gayi,' wah tu to badi ustad nikli kunware lund ka pani pine ko mila,' badi chachi
ne kaha aur hasne lagi. Mera lund jaise hi sust pada badi chachi boli,' ab ye aaram se naha sakta hai,' unhone
kaha, chhhoti chachi mujhe bathroom me le gayi.
chhoti chachi mujhe pakar kar bathroom me le gayi aur khud ke kapre bhi utar kar nangi ho gayi. Pahle unhone
mere balo me shampoo lagaya, fir peeth ragri uske baad wo meri gaand per sabun laga kar usko ragarne lagi,
pao per bhi sabun lagaya. Jaise hi mera muh chachi ki taraf hua unki nazar mere fir se khade hue lund per padi,'
Ramesh tu larka hai ya pajama, tera lund kya din bhar khara hi rahta hai kya?' ye kaha kar unhone us per sabun
ragarna shuru kar dia, nadan umra me zyafa sabra nahi hota, koi 10-15 strokes me hi mera pani nikal gaya,
chachi ne usko dho dia aur fir sabun laga kar lund saaf kar dia,' ab isko kah do raat tak shant rahe, raat me hi iski
sewa hogi,' ye kah kar chachi mujhe tauliya de kar chali gayi,' aaj raat iske lund ko choot ka swad chakhana
parega,' chhoti chachi ne bahar ja kar kamla se kaha,' meri choot hi legi iska jawan lund,' kamla boli,' are
haramzadi tere paas choot nahi bhosda hai, choot to sirf mere paas hai,' chhoti chachi boli,' jis dhang se aapki
choot lund khati hai didi ye jaldi hi bhosda ban jayegi, chaho to fir under truck ki parking karwa lo,' kamla haste
haste boli.' Me samajh gaya raat me chudai karni hogi.
Jijaji Ne Jawaan Saali Ko Jamm Kar Choda.
"Come on my dear Jijaji." Said Payal as she spread her slender legs, her short skirt hiked way above her waist
now. Her white satin panties were moist, making it transperant enough for me to get a good glimpse of her well
trimmed choot hair.
"Dekh kya rahe ho." She continued, now licking her upper lip. "Choddo na..pleaaaseee. "
How it started..
You guys must be wondering about the events that led to my dear saali spreading her lovely legs for me. Let me
tell you how it all started.
Me and my wife have been living in Delhi for the last 4 years. And that is exactly how much time has passed since
we got married. We don't have any kids and don't plan to have one for a year more. My wife comes from a well
to do family from Mumbai. Ours is an arranged marriage. I could describe to you how beautiful my wife is. But
this story doesn't really concern her. I concerns her youngest sister Payal, who is now 20 years old. A bright
cheerful girl, Payal is one of the sexiest bombshells you will ever come across in your life. I'm not kidding. One
look at her sexy figure will have your lund tearing out of your pants. Let me describe her to you.
Payal is exactly 5 feet 3 inches tall with a petite young nympho body. Her figure is 35C-26-36. Her gaand ka
shape will have your tounge hanging out of your mouth. The way her well shaped boobs bounce in her tight t-shirt
when she laughs will make your lund so hard, you would wish you could just let it out and shag right there in front
of her. And when she wears a tiny top and a skirt, leaving her waist exposed, the creamy skin of her belly and the
depth of her navel would make the sanest person go mad with lust. That is how Payal is. Our incident happened
2 years ago.
My wife had gone to Bangalore for a few days. Her best friend's brother was getting married and she just had to
attend. I could not leave Delhi due to work reasons. So I didn't accompany her. Plus, weddings bore me. So I
was alone at home in the evenings. My favorite activity was standing in the balcony and watch hot young girls
pass by. Those sexy asses, those bangworthy bodies, oh what fun! One such evening, I was standing in the
Balcony with a cup of tea in my hand and watching the girls pass by. Suddenly, the door bell rang. I went to open
"Jiju!!!!!" Screamed Payal. "Guess who????"
It was Payal. And she was looking sexilicous. Standing there in front of me, her hair tied up behind in a pony. She
was wearing a pink ganjee top (sleeveless and low neck) and an pair of white denim hotpants (extremely tiny
shorts that are just small enough to cover her ass).
"Arre Payal tum!" I exclaimed in excitement. "Aao Aao andar toh.."
But before I could complete, she dropped her bag on the floor and lept over me, hugging me tight.
"Oh Jiju! Its so good to see you after a long time!" She said. I don't think anyone has been so happy to see me. I
hugged her back.
"Yeah. First time after I got married to your didi." I said. "Abh andar bhi aaogi, ya darvaaze par hi khade rehna
She finally let go. I picked up her bag. She walked in, followed by me. I couldn't help staring at her luscious
gaand and the way it swayed as she walked in front of me.
I kept the bag in the guest room. By the time I came back in the hall, Payal was sitting on the couch already. She
seemed a little tired.
"Toh batao. Delhi kaise aana hua? Aur bataaya kyun nahi?" I asked.
"Bataati toh surprise nahi rehta na Jiju dear." She answered, giggling. "Mere finals kal hi khatam huay. Socha aap
log se milne chali aaoon. Didi Kahaan hai? Office mein hai abh takk?"
"Arre nahi nahi. Teri didi toh Bangalore gayi hai. Shaadi attend karne kisi ki. 3 din baad hi lautegi." I answered,
walking into the kitchen to fetch her a glass of water.
"Oh! Bangalore!" She sounded upset now. "Kya yaar! 3 din baad aayegi. Chi! Now I will get to spend only 4
days with her!"
"Hmm.." I thought to myself. "Toh meri sexy saali ek hafte takk yun aadhi nangi ghoomegi aur mujhe lubhaaegi."
"Kya soch rahe ho Jiju?" She asked in that mischevious tone of hers. "Don't worry. Mein aapko zyaada tang nahi
karungi. Chup chaap baithi rahungi." She said laughing.
"Arre nahi nahi." I said. "Phir kuch mazaa nahi aayega." I gave her the glass of water.
"Accha chalo, tum fresh ho jao." I told her. "Fir hum kahi baahar khaana khaane chalte hai."
"Nooooooooo" she said, sounding upset, frowning cutely. "No baahar vaahar. Lets stay at home only na. We'll go
out tommorow. Aaj ghar pe hi kuch mangaa lete hai."
"Accha accha theek hai." I said, laughing. "Par tum fresh toh ho jao. Accha batao, kya khaogi? Pizza?"
"Chalega!" She said. "Mein fresh hokar aati hoon." she got up and went into the guest room. I was staring at her
ass again as she walked into the guest room. I squeezed my lund as soon as she left. Man, my own saali was
giving me a hard on. I was a tharki alright, but never before this had thought of my saali in this way.
Half an hour passed. I dialed the pizza place's number and place the order. The pizza would be here in another
hour. I hung up the phone and turned around as Payal walked out of the guest room, rubbing a towel over her
damp hair.
Friends, when i saw her walk out of the room, I can't tell you how hot she looked. I wanted to pick her up, take
her in my room, throw her on the bed and just ravage that sexy body of hers with my lund. She was wearing an
extremely tight blue colored sleeveless dress. It was a one piece dress that ended 5 inches above her knees,
giving me a good view of her soft thighs and lickable legs. That dress was so tight, her figure looked amazing in it.
I had quickly look away as she looked at my face, so that it didn't seem like my eyes were lusting after her.
"P-pizza order ho gaya hai." I said as I kept the phone reciever back on the table.
"Good." She said. 'Mujhe bohot bhook laggii hai."
"Kitna andhera ho gaya hai." she said, looking outside. "The night is really beautiful today."
"Not as beautiful as my dear saali." I said, rather boldly.
"Haha. Jiju, you are such a flirt." She said laughing.
As she plopped down on the couch. , I opened my bar cabinet, pulled out a bottle of scotch and a glass.
"Bas? Sirf Ek hi glass? Aap nahi piyoge?" she asked. The naughtiness was back in her voice. I laughed as I
removed another glass from the cabinet.
"Apni didi ko matt bataana." I told her.
"Arre didi se kya darrna? Woh jabh mere jitni thi, toh mujhse double peeti thi."
"Accha???" I asked her, surprised. Somehow, I could never imagine my wife being like this when she was 18.
"Aur nahi toh kya?" She said. I dropped in two cubes of ice in each glass, followed by a good amount of scotch
and soda in each.
"Kitni baar woh raat ko ghar late aati thi ekdam peekar." She said as I handed her the glass. "Mujhe hi toh
darvaaza kholna padhta tha. Chup chup kar" she continued.
"Tumhaare didi ne yeh toh kabhi bataaya nahi." I said, raising my glass for a toast. "Cheers!" I said. She cheered
as well. I sat down on the sofa, right besides her. She took a sip, closed her eyes tight as the first sip went down
her throat.
"Arre aisi bohot saari baatein hai jo Didi ne aapko kabhi bataayi nahi." She said, giggling a little. She took another
sip. By now, I was almost done with half of my glass. She saw my glass half empty. Feeling a bit competitive, she
quickly gulped down her entire glass.
"Arre arre! Dheere!" I told her. "Tum jawaan log na. Drink ko enjoy karna seekho."
She laughed. I made her another drink and gave it to her. This time, she went easy on it. We kept drinking, chit
chatting, talking about our families. She had really changed from when I had seen her on my marriage. She was
so much bolder and wiser now. Also, she had become a bombshell.
I was still on my 4th peg, she had already finished her 6th. The pizza had arrived. We kept eating and drinking
together now. By the time the pizza had finished, she had finished her 7th peg.
"Chalo abh tum so jao. Kal subah hum kahi ghoomney jaayenge." I told her. I was quiet drunk by then and with
such a sexy babe sitting besides me, I was afraid I might end up doing something that I would regret.
"Arre what so jao?" She said. Her voice clearly indicating that she was way more drunk than I was. She banged
the glass on the table. Thank god the bottle of scotch was over. Otherwise she would have demanded more.
"You know Jiju." she said, her eyes dreamy. "Aap bohot acche ho. Aapko didi se shaadi nahi karni chaahiye thi."
"Why?" I asked, kinda startled at this statement. "Tumhaari didi bhi toh acchi hai."
She burst out laughing at this statement. She was laughing really hard. But all I cared was about the way her
boobs were shaking as she laughed. I licked my lips.
"Shaadi se pehle.." she said, as she controlled her laughter. "Didi ke bohot saare aashik the. Sabke saath nangi ho
jaati thi aapki biwi."
"Yeh kya bakwaas kar rahi ho Payal." I said, a little irritated. It was not easy for me to listen to such things about
my wife.
"Bakwaas nahi Jiju." She continued. Her eyes were fixed on my face now. She seemed a little serious. "Kaafi
baar, jabh raat ko ghar par sabh so jaate, toh uske aashik chup chup kar uske bedroom mein aate the. Maine
bohot baar aadhi raat ko uske room mein jhaak kar dekha hai. Aapko toh pataa hai na hamaara ghar kitna bada
hai. Kisiko pataa bhi nahi chalta. Aur didi apne nange badan se apne aashikon ki pyaas bhujaati."
My anger had now turned into lust. Listening to such things from Payal was giving me a hard on.
"Kabhi lund choosti.." she continued "Kabh woh uski choot chaat te. Aur fir, takaatak..chudai. Kahi baar toh ek
saath 2-3 aashikon se bhi chudaati thi."
Payal was seriously intoxicated. And now, she was turned on by her own talks. Watching her sitting there besides
me, breathing heavily, my lund was raging with passion. Never mind that my wife's dirty secrets were out. All I
cared about was this young 18 years old nubile girl sitting besides me, talking dirty. She was quiet now. And she
stayed quiet for the next 2-3 minutes. I was quiet too. But what happened next, was something I wasn't prepared
for. She turned to me, looked at me, smiled as she slowly spread her legs.
"Come on my dear Jijaji." Said Payal as she spread her slender legs, her short skirt hiked way above her waist
now. Her white satin panties were moist, making it transperant enough for me to get a good glimpse of her well
trimmed choot hair.
"Dekh kya rahe ho." She continued, now licking her upper lip. "Choddo na..pleaaaseee. "
That was it. I couldn't take it any longer. I leaned towards her, placed my mouth over her pretty mouth. My
tounge explored her mouth as she moans softly. I placed my left hand over her soft thighs. They were so soft, so
smooth, I kept rubbing them for a while as we smooched wildy. I put my hand under her thighs now. I put my
other arm over her shoulders, around her neck and scooped her up in my arms, carrying her into my bedroom.
We kept smooching as I carried her in. I dropped her on the bed and climbed on top of her. We started
smooching again. There she was, lying on my bed, her legs spread apart to accomodate me between them as we
smooched. My hands were roughly squeezing both her boobs. We moaned and sighed as we smooched, making
slurpy sounds as we did so. Her hands reached for my pyjama's naada. She undid the naada and pushed my
pyjam down as we smooched. Her right hand then made its way into my underwear. She grabbed my hard hot
lund. It was already a little creamy and made those squishy sounds as she stroked it up and down. She gasped as
our lips parted.
"Jiju..kya bada lund hai aapka." she said.
I lifted myself up a little so she could see below what she was holding in her hand. She kept massaging it softly
with her soft fingers. I looked down at her hand stroking my cock. The naughty girl then rubbed it against her
extremely damp panties. I looked at her lust filled face. It looked like a sex crazy hungry bitch. My hands reached
down for her panties, pushing them down. As soon as they were off, i grabbed them and rubbed it all over her
face. The moistness of her pussy made her face glow. I thrust them in her mouth. We looked into each others
eyes, the panties stuck in her mouth. After a while, I pulled them out with my teeth and we started smooching
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Re: Raped By Three Women

Post by shaziya »

After smooching like this for a few more minutes, I got up, kneeling on top of her one knee on each side of her.
She grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it off her body. I pulled her bra off too., making her completely
naked now. We were overtaken by passion completely. I placed my lund, all of 8 inches between her soft and
lovely boobs. I was boob fucking her. Her lips tried to kiss it everytime it came close to her mouth. I fucked her
boobs like this for a while as she squeezed them over my lund. Then finally, I raised my cock further towards her
mouth. As soon as it came close to her lips, she kissed it first and then wrapped her lips around it. There she was,
lying on my bed, with me on top of her face and my lund fucking her hot mouth.
"Saali ji.." I grunted as the warmth of her mouth and her soft moans made me feel good as she sucked it. "Tu teri
didi se bhi zyaada experienced lagti hai lund choosne mein." She giggled, but still continued to suck my cock.
Her fingers were ticking my balls as she sucked. I took my cock out of her mouth now, and we both examined it.
I looked at it, her face was right below it. It was wet, and dripping with her thick saliva and my precum. She
grabbd it with her hand started to rub it all over her face like a horny bitch. What a sight it was. My sweet sexy
saali nangi and rubbbing my fat lund all over her pretty face. She rubbed it like that till it was dry, and then put her
mouth on it again and continued sucking. The lund sucking went on for the next 5 minutes.
Finally, she let go of my lund.
"Jiju.." she said, breathing heavily. "Chodd daalo meri choot abh."
"Jo tu bole payal darling." I said. I crawled backwards. She lifted her legs. I positied myself right between her
legs now.
Taking my cock in my hand, I rubbed the head of lund over her extremely wet choot. She moaned and squirmed
over the bed. I looked into her eyes, she looked into mine. I slowly and gently pushed my lund between her
choot. My cock was now entering her pussy. The more deeper it went, the tighter her choot was getting. She
closed her eyes tights and was squeezing her own nipples very hard. By now, my lund was completely inside her
choot. I let it stay in there for a few seconds to enjoy the warm wet feeling of her choot. It was amazing. I slowly
pulled it out. I looked at it as it came out. It was completely covered in her pussy juice. I looked up at her,
grinning. She grinned to. I placed my lund back on the entrance of her choot again, and unlike the first time, this
time I gave it a big hard thrust.
"AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh .." she screamed.
"Aur chilao Saaliji! Aaj toh teri choot ki khair nahi."
I kept thrusting in and out of her pussy very hard and rough. She was yelling, screaming, moaning with pleasure.
The whole house was filled with my grunts and her yells and moans of pleasure. I was fucking her like a beast.
Maybe it was my anger with my wife and my lust for my saali that made me such a beast in bed with her that
night. I kept fucking her. I had felt her choot ka paani gushing all over my lund twice as she came. But I kept
fucking her.
Finally, my thrusting was getting really hard and rough. I could see it on her face that she was having a tough time.
But I didn't care. My thrusts got harder and harder as I was reaching my climax. And then, with one loud grunt
and a thrust so hard that there were almost tears of joys in her eyes, I started cumming.
Two violent jerks as I came inside her pussy. I quickly pulled out and crawled on top of her face. Whatever was
left, I wanted to see it on her face. Drops of thick cum globs splattered over her nose, and then her lips. She took
her tounge out and licked the drops off. I came squeezing my lund back and forth, making sure each and every
drop was out. I couldn't believe how much I came that night. Even my slut wife had never made me cum so
much. I came in Payal's pussy as well as on her face.
I plopped down on the bed besides her, breathing heavily. We stayed like that for a few minutes. Then, she
turned to me and put her arm around my hairy chest. For the next half an hour, we stayed like that.
We fucked three more times that night. I fucked her in every way possible. Her tight gaand made my cock sore
by the end of the 4th and final session. Her gaand ka hole was red too by the time we were done. The next
morning, she woke up before I did. She saw me lying naked besides her the bedsheets were all messy and
smelled of sweat and cum. She smiled, slowly crawled downwards and took my lund in her mouth. What a
morning wake up that was.
We fucked like till the day my wife came back from the marriage. I was so happy from fucking Payal, I didn't
care that now I knew my wife's chudakkad past. All I cared about was finding one moment with Payal alone so I
could do naughty things with her. When her didi wasn't noticing, I'd squeeze her boob and she would giggle.
When her didi was taking a nap, I'd put my hand inside her skirt, in through her chaddi and rub her choot. This
continued till the time came when she had to go back home. It was the most amazing week ever.
Mr. Joshi Ki Jawan, Garam Chudakkad Patni.
This is the story of Mr. Rakesh Joshi. Mr. Joshi was a 47 year old bachelor. Very busy with work, he never bothered
to get married inspite of his families immense pressure. Mr. Joshi lived in Indore alone while the rest of his family was
in some remote village. He had a thriving business that he took care of on his own. He was so engrossed in his
business and money that he had never bothered to enjoy the other things in life. He was now in his late 40s, balding,
with a big potbelly that showed how he had neglected everything else in life. Mr. Joshi made a lot of money. He used
to lend money on interest. One of his borrowers was Mr. Dayal. Dayal was a middle class man. His only family was
his young daughter. She had turned 19 recently, and all Mr. Dayal could think of was getting her married soon. Mr.
Dayal met Mr. Joshi through a common friend. Mr. Joshi lent him a huge sum of money on very nominal interest. Mr.
Dayal had invested the money, but lost it. Now he was in great debt to Mr. Joshi. But Mr. Joshi was a nice man. He
understood his problem and never forced Mr. Dayal to return the money. He even decided to let go of the interest
and asked Dayal to just return the borrowed sum whenever possible. One fine evening, Mr. Dayal was standing
outside his house, looking in his pockets for his house keys to open the door. He saw Mr. Joshi passing by. "Arre
Joshi Sahab." He called. "Kahaan Jaa rahe hai? Aap is mohale mein?" Mr Joshi waved back, wallking towards
Dayal. "Arre kuch kaam se aaya tha. Yahaan mera ek client rehta hai. Socha mil loon. Mujhe pataa nahi tha aap yahi
rehte hai." Mr. Dayal asked Joshi to come in. Joshi obliged. They went in, sat down. Dayal brought a glass of water
for Mr. Joshi. They both sat down and chitchatted for a while. Being a good man, not once did Joshi bring up the
topic of money. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "Meri Beti hogi." said Mr. Dayal. He got up and opened
the door. At the doorstep, stood a beautiful girl. She was wearing a green colored tight tshirt and a pair of white
tennis shorts. In her hand was a tennis racket. Mr. Joshi had never seen anything like her before. Beautiful, even
when she was covered in perspiration (from playing tennis ofcourse.) The pretty girl stood 5 feet 2 inches tall. Her
body was curvaceous. Her hair tied behind in a pony tail. She walked in. "Hi Papa." she said as she kept the racket
aside and lift her leg to take off her tennis shoes. Mr. Joshi's eyes were fixed on her smooth tender legs. The fair
complexion, the creamy slender thighs were giving Mr. Joshi feelings he had never felt before. "Aao beti." Said Mr.
Dayal. "Inse milo. Yeh hai Mr. Joshi. Mr. Joshi, yeh hai meri beti Neetu." She smiled and said "Hello Uncle." Mr
Joshi mustered enough courage to break out of his spell and say "Hello." "Ja beti, hamaare liye chai banaakar la."
Said Mr. Dayal. "Theek hai papa." She said. "Fresh ho jaaoon. fir laati hoon." Saying this she headed towards her
room. Dayal went back to his seat and started chit chatting with Joshi again. But joshi was already distracted with
what he had seen. Such a beautiful sight. A young girl with such a beautiful body and a pretty face. Her perky boobs
kept flashing in his mind. Her slender legs worth licking all over kept disturbing him. How he want to spend a good
time alone with her and ravage that young body of hers. The thought itself was making him uncomfortable between
his legs. Fifteen minutes had passed. Dayal kept blabbering something, but Mr Joshi's mind was doing dirty naughty
things with Neetu's body. His thoughts were broken away when Neetu came in with a tray with two cups of tea. She
had taken a shower and changed and was looking much hotter than she did earlier. Her hair were a little above waist
length. She wore a sleeveless pink top, plunging neck and a pair of tight jeans. Mr. Joshi noticed how shapely her
gaand was. She smelled great when she came closer to him to hand him his cup of tea. "Papa, mein apne friends ke
saath baahar ja rahi hoon. Thodi der mein aa jaaoongi." She said, smiling. "Jao beta, par jaldi aa jaana." Said Mr.
Dayal. "Okay papa, bye." She said. Then she turned to Mr. Joshi and smiled. "Bye uncle." "b-bye." is all he could
say. Soon Mr. Joshi took leave too. He headed for his car and drove quickly to his home. All throughout the drive,
he could just think of neetu and her young well developed figure. He went straight into his bedroom, took off his
pants, laid down on the bed and grabbed his own lund and sighed "Neettuuuu.. " He shagged three times that night
thinking of having Neetu as his personal sex toy for pleasure. Months passed by. Mr joshi became a regular at
Dayal's house. He visited him regularly in efforts to get a glimpse of Neetu. Every time he saw her in a new type of
outfit and then would go back home and shag thinking of her in his bed wearing the same costume. One day, Mr.
Joshi went to Mr Dayals house. Mr. Dayal seemed very depressed, almost on the verge of crying. Mr. Joshi
enquired what happened. "Abh aapse kya chupaana Joshi sahab. Meri nalayak beti ne toh mujhe kahi ka nahi
choda." He cried. Mr Joshi was shocked at hearing this. "Kya hua hai?" Mr. Joshi asked, placing his hand on Dayal's
shoulder. "Dekhiye na. Kitni azaadi di thi maine usse." He cried again. "Aur woh mooh kaala kar gayi. Bhaag gayi ek
ladke ke saath." Mr. joshi tried to comfort him. "Dont worry Dayalji, Neetu mil jaayegi." Saying this, he took his cell
phone out and started making a few calls. Mr. joshi was a well connected man. After talking on the phone for about
10 minutes, he hung up. He turned to Mr. Dayal and said "Aapki Neetu next 1 ghante mein aapke paas hogi." And
that is exactly what happened. A jeep came to their door. Out walked a man with Neetu. Neetu had tears in her
eyes. Joshi walked upto the man and shook his hand. The man got back into the jeep and left. He was a policeman.
Mr. Joshi had given him strict instructions not to come by a police van so that neighbours dont start thinking anything.
Mr. Dayal caught Neetu by her arm and dragged her into her room and locked her in. Mr. Joshi could feel the
tension and asked Mr. Dayal for permission to leave. A few days passed. Mr. joshi controlled himself and didn't visit
Mr. Dayal for a few days. After a week, Mr. Dayal himself stopped by Joshi's office. "Aaiye aaiye Dayal Sahab."
Said Joshi. "Baithye, mein chai mangaata hoon." Mr. Dayal sat down, looking distressed. Tea was bought in by the
peon. They started having their tea and after a moment of silence, Dayal spoke. "Joshi Sahab, thank you for
everything that you did that day." "Arre Dayal ji, please, thank you matt kahiye. Chalta hai, jawaan ladki hai, behek
gayi. Hamara farz hai usse sahi raasta dikhaana." "Joshi ji. Mein kya karu. Ek toh woh hai aisi, koi bhi dekhta hai
usse, toh behek jaata hai. Bohot pareshaan hoon main. Main toh control nahi kar sakta. Aap hi bataaiye main kya
karu." "Dayal ji.." Mr. Joshi said, seizing the opportunity. "Mere paas ek suggestion hai. Agar aap buraa na maane."
"Kahiye kahiye Joshi sahab. Aap toh samajhdaar hai." Said dayal, keeping his cup down. "Aap apni Neetu ki shaadi
mujhse karaa dijiye." An awkward silence followed the suggestion. "Dekhiye dayal sahab, naraaz matt hoiye. Agar
aap chaahe, toh turant naa kar dena. Main toh aapke bhalle ki hi soch raha hoon." Said Joshi. "Maine abh takk
shaadi nahi ki. Par abh mein akela ho gaya hoon. Isliye aapke ghar aata rehta hoon. Agar aap chaahe, toh aapki saari
takleefay mein apne uppar le lunga. Aapka udhaar bhi maaf kar dunga. Aakhir dost hi dost ke kaam aate hai." Mr.
Dayal kept quiet. A morbid look took over his face. After a long silence, he got up and left. Joshi was depressed for
the next few days. He cursed himself for making such a dumb suggestion. Now what little he could see of Neetu had
been taken away from him too. Then one fine morning, Dayal showed up at his door with a box of sweets. "Aapke
liye daamaad ji. Mooh meetha kijiye." "Par Neetu.." said Joshi in a state of shock. He couldnt believe his luck. "Arre
woh maan gayi. Aakhir baap hoon uska. Thoda emotional blackmail kiya, par woh bilkul tayaar hai. Aap mithai
khaaiye na." Saying this, Dayal thrust a big piece of mithai in Joshi's mouth. A day before their marriage date, Mr.
Joshi wanted to meet his to be wife alone. He picked her up in the evening in his new car and drove her to a coffee
shop. Neetu was looking lovely that day. A plain sky blue colored kurta with a white dupata and white salwar. Her
fair and glowing skin complemented what she was wearing. But there was a certain gloominess on her face. But Mr.
Joshi kept eyeing her the low neck of her kurta through which her cleavage was clearly visible. How he would love
to slide his tounge up and down that lovely cleavage. "Only one day left!" He reminded himself. They reached the
coffee shop. Joshi signalled for two cups of coffee to the waiter as they sat down. Joshi was doing most of the talking
while Neetu just kept her chatter limited to "yes" & "no". "Look Neetu" said Joshi. "I know you are not happy with
this arrangement. After all, I'm older than your father too. But what has been settled has been settled. I would really
appreciate if you would co-operate." "Joshi Uncle.." muttered Neetu. But before she continued, Joshi stopped her.
"Arre abh toh uncle matt bolo." He smirked. "Main tumhaara hone wala pati hoon." Neetu smiled. For the first time
during the conversation he saw her smile. It relaxed him tremendously. "Joshi ji, mein is shaadi se naraaz nahi hoon."
said Neetu. "Toh phir kya baat hai?" Joshi enquired. Neetu told him her story. How she felt guilty about betraying her
father by running away with her ex boyfriend. And how that ex boyfriend of hers turned out to be a coward and ran
away as soon as he saw the police. How she was upset about making the wrong choice of running away with a loser.
Joshi listened to her calmly. After her story was over, Joshi spoke. "Dekho Neetu. Jo ho gaya, so ho gaya. Bhool
jao. Apni nayi zindagi ki tayaari karo." Neetu smiled again. Joshi was glad that she was finally opening up to him.
"Joshi ji" said Neetu. "aap bohot acche hai. I hope mein aapko zindagi bhar khush rakh saku." Her words had a
sooting effect on Joshi. He could not believe that his young to be bride had actually started accepting him as her
future husband whole heartedly. The next day was the wedding. It was a low key affair. It started with a registered
court marriage in the afternoon. And then directly the reception in the evening with only near and dear ones being
invited. Joshi's family had come too. Some relatives from Neetu's side also showed up. At the reception, Joshi knew
what must be going on in each and every guests mind. How did this old man land up with such a beautiful sexy young
wife less than half his age. But he didn't care. All he cared about was the suhaag raat that was to follow. The
reception was over. Neetu was taken by her relatives to the hotel room that was booked for their first night. Joshi
reached there after a while. As he reached the door of the room, he saw people waiting to congratulate him and wish
him all the best before he went in. He politely accepted their gratitude and good wishes and made them leave.
Finally, he opened the door to his suhaag raat room. The room was luxurious and big. The bed was in the center of
the room up against the wall. It was decorated with beautiful flowers scatter all over it. But the most beautiful thing
on the bed was the new bride, Mr. Joshi's bride - Mrs. Neetu Joshi. She looked amazing. A pink colored printed
blouse, with an open back. A light green semi transperant sari. Her sindoor filled maang was covered by a pure silver
ornament. the pallu of her sari went over her head. She was the prettiest bride that night. Joshi walked upto the bed
and sat down on the edge of the bed. Neetu looked up at him and smiled slightly. Joshi smiled back as he moved
closer to her. Her looked at her mehndi covered palms, red bangles over her wrists. Her scent was intoxicating him.
Joshi had been waiting for this moment forever. He gently pushed the pallu down from her head, and then lifted her
chin to make her look at him. She smiled again. He leaned forward, placing his thick lips over her mouth.
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