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Post by Jemsbond »

Water keeps flowing in the Malampuzha canal. Life keeps flowing between Akash and Sunita. In those days half pant or Bermuda was not a habit for elders. Akash went to a sports shop and purchased four numbers sports shorts. At home he said Sunita, “Today onwards we will stay in these half pants. In that way my peacock and your canal both would be covered and we will be able to keep you safe.”

Sunita replied with a passionate kiss. Whenever there was a guest Sunita use to put a t-shirt or tops. One day Sunita asked, “Which part of my body you like most?”
Akash – Let me think and I will tell you in order.

He looks at Sunita for a while and spoke again, “First is your belly and belly button, then your eyes, your lips, your pair of doves, then your canal, hair, hands and legs etc. Now you tell me your choice.

Sunita – First is you mind.

Akash – No dear, mind should not be included, as it is not a part of our body. Otherwise my first choice also would have been your mind.

Sunita – OK, mind is not included in this list. Then my choice are, first your eyes, second your chest, third your peacock, fourth your face, fifth your butt, then your hands, legs etc.

Akash – I forgot to mention your butt. Actually everything of yours is good. It’s difficult to prepare a correct and complete list.

Sunita – Will you please allow me to play with your peacock for a while?

Akash – What you will do if my peacock wakes up?

Sunita – I will kiss it and caress it and make it sleep again.

Akash – OK dear, if you like to play, I will not stop you.
Sunita removed his half pant. She kissed his peacock. He wakes up at once. Sunita exclaimed, “After a long time I am seeing this beauty. It’s the Siva lingam of my lord
Siva. I am so much happy on getting it back. ”

Then she makes love to the peacock with her hands and tongue. Now the peacock was also in fast for a long time. It cannot withstand much of her play. Very soon it had released all its energy on her face and hand. Sunita did not say anything. Quietly she got up, fetched a wet towel and cleaned his body. Then she asked, “Have you enjoyed dear?”

Akash – Yes dear, I loved it very much.

Sunita – Now every night I will give you pleasure in this way. Please allow me.

Akash – Whatever you like is all right with me.

Sunita’s mother used to visit at least once every day. She checks her health and other requirements. Sunita’s parents were not happy as Akash’s mother did not accept Sunita. But they were happy that Akash never left their daughter, even after leaving home he was there with their daughter only. Sunita’s father said, “miyan biwi raji toh kya karega kaji.” (When the husband and wife are agreeing, even the judge cannot separate them).

After three months Akash took Sunita to the doctor. The doctor did USG and some other tests. She reported that the inside wound was healed and then they can lead normal conjugal life. Sunita asked whether she would be able to love her Akash. The doctor knew their relation and use to love that girl a lot. She said livingly that she can do everything to his Lord. Since that night Sunita bathed the peacock in her canal every night. However they were not getting what they wanted. They kept on trying. But Sunita was not conceiving.

One more month passed by. In the previous month Chandrika talked to Akash four or five times. She said that she had tried a lot to explain their mother but she was not be morphed at all. After Durga puja Akash expressed his respect to his parents. Mr. Subhas replied with blessings but Mrs. Smriti never replied. At the end of December Akash planned to visit Kolkata. It was long time that he needed to fetch many of his belongings for daily use. He told Sunita that as the final exam of Chandrika was over he would try to bring her in Palakkad for some time. Sunita was very happy and started planning her activities with his sister.

Akash left on 22nd December for Kolkata. Before leaving he had asked Sunita to go and stay with her mother. But Sunita did not agree to leave their love nest. In the day time her mother used to come and spent time with her. At night Dibya used to stay with her. After reaching Kolkata he informed to Rajan through office telephone.
At one night both Dibya and Latha was staying with Sunita. That night after dinner Latha started to vomit. Sunita got worried seeing Latha vomiting. She asked Latha what she had in lunch. Latha said that she did not have any indigestion problem.

Sunita – Did you wanted to talk with me for this problem?

Latha – Yes dear, since last three days I have this nauseating urge, but I have not shared it with my mother.

Dibya – What has happened to you?

Sunita – Other than nauseating what else you are feeling?

Latha – Always I am feeling out of sort. With some particular smell I feel like vomit more. In dinner you brought fish. And now I am not able to withstand the fish smell.

Sunita – Now what you will do dear? We have cautioned you so many times but you never listened. Now who will save you?

Dibya – What has happened to Latha?

Sunita – We have good news. Our friend is going to be a mother. I don’t know how we can help you.

Latha – Sunita, Dibya please save me. Please do something so that I and my family are saved from this state.

Sunita – Have you informed your mother?

Latha – My mother would chop me into pieces if she comes to know I am pregnant.

Sunita – Still she is your mother. Whatever you do, you have to inform your mother.

Latha – I am sorry that I have not listened to you. I am sorry that I have misbehaved with you. But please do help me. Please suggest what I should do now.

Sunita – Now you have dinner. I am removing the fish from your dinner. I told you earlier, I am confirming you again that I am your friend. Whatever you do, I will never leave you. Let me think and I will certainly find out some way out.

They finished dinner. Next morning they took her to the doctor. After some test she reported that Latha was pregnant since last six weeks. If they wanted to keep the baby it was fine but if they wanted to abort, it had to be done within next 10 days. They informed everything to Rajan and decided to wait till Akash returned back.
In between there came another problem. Dibya’s parents wanted to marry their daughter with the groom of their choice. Dibya was adamant to marry Rajan only. But due to some family issue Rajan was not able to marry then. Also Dibya’s parents were not willing to choose Rajan for their daughter. Till date the percentage of love marriage in south Indian families are limited. In 1985 it was never thought of. The parents of Sunita were different and they were very open minded family and especially Sunita’s mother liked Bengali boys. They had accepted Sunita’s affair. But the family of Dibya was a higher middle class one. They were not ready to accept Rajan as their son-in-law. Dibya’s father and elder brothers did not pay any importance to her love affair. She informed everything to Rajan. Rajan used to love Dibya a lot. But he was not brave as Akash. And Dibya’s love was not as intense as that of Sunita. They broke up with keeping the social peace.
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Post by Jemsbond »

Akash returns to Palakkad on 2nd January 1986 along with Chandrika. On entering the room Chandrika could identify her Bhabi easily and embraced her. She started cheering and repeatedly yelling ‘my golden Bhabi’.

Sunita – Why so much happy?

Chandrika – Why should not I be happy! You are the only wife of my only elder brother. You are the Bhabi who worships my brother. It’s normal that I will be happy seeing you.

Akash – Well enough of talking now please sit quietly for some time. The complete journey she had made me listen to all her craps. The whole compartment has come to know that I am his elder brother and I have married a beautiful innocent girl.

Everyone started laughing. All these conversations were in Bengali. When Akash and Chandrika went to freshen up Sunita translated to Bengali. Dibya remarked that Sunita has a nice sister-in-law.

Chandrika returned and sat beside Sunita. She told, “Bhabi I will not call you Bhabi but call you didi. You would be nearer to my heart if I call you didi. And you please call me by name. My dada calls me Chand and so you also call me by that name.”

Sunita – I should call the beauty by Chand only.

After some time Dibya left for home but Latha stayed there. Sunita asked Akash about his parents. Akash replied, “At home all are well. y father is bit sad but somewhat proud for me. He said that he was happy for my right decision of looking after you. He said that once the children are grown up they may not live with the parents. He also left home and parents and moved to Kolkata for his career. My decision is also similar one. My mother is in the same mind set. May be in her mind she is crying for me but she is defeated by her own ego. She would never accept that Sunita is a good girl. Chandrika also tried a lot to explain her but no change.”
After lunch Akash went to office. Sunita and Chandrika chatted for whole afternoon. Latha had just listened them. Chandrika said, “You know didi, I have told my entire college friend about the story of your love.”

Sunita – Is it a story or fact?

Chandrika – It is a fact but nothing less tantalizing than a story. All the boys of my college said that if they got a girl like you. And the girls told that they could never understood by seeing my dada that he can love like this.

Sunita – Those girls had only seen his face. Therefore they could not see his love. I have seen his eyes and so I could see his mind. I could understand his love and confidence.

Chandrika – Didi you are really a goddess. You call my dada as lord Shiva. But you are nothing less than goddess Durga.

Latha also joined them. By then Latha started feeling what love is. She could understand the difference between wild sex and worshiping the opposite partner.

Akash returned home after evening. Seeing Latha he whispered to Sunita about her. Sunita replied that Latha would stay there at night and she will explain him at night. At night after dinner Chandrika and Latha slept together. Sunita spoke everything about Latha. Akash asked time for one day for his decision. Sunita told him about Dibya and Rajan. Akash felt sad for them. He could not understand why Rajan did not share this with him.

Next day reaching office the first thing Akash asked Rajan was about his relation with Dibya. Rajan said, “Initially Dibya was emotionally attached to me. But later on I started getting feeling that she was not comfortable with my living standard. Dibya’s family financial level is much better than ours. I think Dibya also started realizing that if she marries me she will need to sacrifice a lot. It is also truth that she loves me a lot. But she does not have the mental strength like Sunita. When I came to know about her family pressure, I have asked her to marry as per his family’s choice. Both of us were sad but I think for long run it is the better decision.”

They talked about Latha’s problem also. Both of them came to a probable solution. Akash needed approval from both Sunita and Latha to implement the same.

At home Chandrika had details discussion about Sunita’s love. She also learned about Latha’s nature and problem. She had given one suggestion and requested Sunita to persuade Akash to accept the solution.
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Akash returned little earlier than normal day. After he freshened up he sat with others to have tea. Everyone was very much eager and tensed. Akash asked them for the reason of their tension. Sunita asked that they need to decide on Latha’s future. She cannot accept her friend’s suffering.

Akash – First let us know what Latha wants

Latha – I want my baby to be alive. It may be an unwanted baby. It may be the result of my foolishness. I have done sin but not the baby. Why he should be given death penalty for my crime?

Akash – In our society it is very difficult to become a single mother. In every step of life you have to struggle a lot. Do you have that courage and strength?

Latha – I am afraid.
Chandrika – Dada, we had discussed most of the day and we have found out a possible solution.

Akash – What is that?

Chandrika – Let Latha didi give birth to her baby.

Akash – Then?

Chandrika – After birth you two adopt the child. What I have learned from didi is that it may be difficult for her to get pregnant again. And didi said that you two also are trying since last two months but she has not conceived. Therefore I think for you adopting this baby would be the best solution.

Akash – When Rajan and I were discussing, we also came to the same solution. But to implement it there are few hassles, which we would plan carefully.

Sunita – What are the problems?

Akash – First problem is we have keep Latha hiding from all her family members and friends. Except her parents no one else should know it. Otherwise it would be impossible to get a groom for her.

Second, if Sunita goes to our home in future, no one in our family should know it. If my parents ever know it they would never accept the baby.

Third, how Latha would inform her parents and whether they accept or not.

Fourth, the legal aspect. We have to do everything as per legal procedure.

Sunita – Dear, I need a baby but I am not getting. Latha is getting a baby but she cannot keep. If you can accept the baby of that unknown man as your baby, then all other problems can be taken care off.

Akash – I can accept Latha’s baby as my baby. But there are some more points which I will talk to you at night. If you accept all those points we can go ahead.

Sunita – See dear, I can guess what you will tell me at night. And I am agreeing for all the points. If I cannot do this for my friend then what is the significance of reading and following the book Three Comrades. You are my lord. But Latha is also my friend. Without you my life and future would never be completed. And without Latha and Dibya my past would haunt me. I cannot live with future completely ignoring the past. I need to save my friend at any cost.

Akash – I am there with you my darling.

Latha started crying embracing Sunita. When Chandrika thought of this solution, she never thought of so many complexities. She was a grown up kid and was not matured enough to understand the world. On hearing the discussion between her dada and Bhabi she was perplexed. She could not understand how a girl can have so much love for her husband and friends. She continued to see Sunita for a while and then got up to touch her feet.

Chandrika – Today by touching your feet I have earned more virtue than visiting hundred temples. You are a real goddess.

Sunita embraces Chandrika in her heart and said, “When I have a sister like you, none of the problem can reach us. Together we can face anything.”

By that time Dibya and Rajan also reached. They also were very happy after learning everything. Akash had called Dibya separately and asked her why they had separated.

Dibya (almost crying) – I love him even today.

Akash – Then why you are not marrying? I never understood that there was any problem between you two.

Dibya – There is no problem between us. But my fault is I have never informed anyone in my home about Rajan. The day I told mom about Rajan, my mom informed the same to my father. In the same evening my father ordered me that he wants me to marry the son of his friend. He is not going to accept Rajan.

Akash – Strange! You have also accepted it!

Dibya – Akash, I am a girl and I do not have courage like you to go against my family. Even today my parents know that I have come to meet Sunita alone.

Akash – Will you be happy?

Dibya – I may not be happy but there will be peace in my family. Sometime family peace is more important than individual love.

Akash – All depends on individual. If you are ready to live like this, I do not have any problem. My prayers will be there always with you.

Chandrika – Didi do you have the book ‘Three Comrades?”

Sunita – Yes I have but why?

Chandrika – I will read the book to Rajan.
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Latha called her parents to the house of Akash. Sunita told them everything. As usual initially they were very angry. Akash let them shout on Latha for some time. Latha’s mother tried to slap Latha, which Sunita stopped. Then Akash explained it as mistake of young age. Then he proposed the solution. Latha’s parents did not have any other way than to accept it.

Rajan had one friend working in the Palakkad government hospital. He was staying in the quarter with his wife. They did not have any baby. Rajan arranged to swap their quarter with Sunita’s house. Rajan told them that Sunita needed to be near hospital for her heath problem. Once Akash and Sunita moved in the hospital quarter Latha also moved in with them. No one else knew about Latha. Even Rajan’s friend did not know Latha was staying in his quarter. Except those eight persons only I knew it, and today you also know.

In the appropriate time Latha gave birth to a beautiful boy. They have given him the pre-decided name, Samudra. Naturally after Sunita had her son, Mrs. Smriti accepted her as daughter-in-law. She came to Palakkad with Mr. Subhas. She asked apology from Sunita. In reply Sunita started crying, “A mother never does anything wrong to the kids. Certainly I sinned and so I received the punishment. The mother of my lord can never be wrong.”

After this all the ego of Mrs. Smriti melted away.

After two more years Rajan married Chandrika – effect of reading Three Comrades. Mrs. Smriti never objected for this marriage. They have a daughter who is 22 years old now.

Samudra leaves in Delhi. He is an engineer like his father. He has married to a Punjabi girl and leaving happily.

Both Latha and Dibya were married to local boys as per their parents’ choice. Both are living happily with their children.

Sunita and Akash leaves in Kolkata now. They live along with his parents only. His parents are more or less 75 years old. Till today Sunita worships Akash with ‘Oh My Lord!’ Akash got habituated and do not object.

Ohh! Sorry, forgot to tell you one more thing. In that night after taking the vital decision Akash told Sunita that they would never try for the second kid. Since then Akash uses a raincoat over his peacock before visiting the canal.

-: Completed :-
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तुफानो में साहिल बड़ी मुश्किल से मिलते हैं!
यूँ तो मिल जाता है हर कोई!
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Mind blowing awesome story.
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